Common LNL Acronyms
These are acronyms that you'll see often in posts ITF (In this Forum). If you think of one that should be added, or run in to one that isn't on the list, please post ITT (In This Thread), and we'll add it.
2p - Two Pair
3-bet - A re-raise. The third bet on a given street
3b - 3-bet
3! - 3-bet
4-bet - a re-re-raise. The fourth bet on a given street
5-bet - come on. You get the pattern.
AI - All In
AINEC - And It's Not Even Close
AP - As Played (given that the poster already took a given action)
ATC - Any Two Cards
BB (or bb) - Big Blind. Note that some older posters will differentiate these, and argue that either the upper or lower case is actually "big bet" in limit poker, but ITF they are used interchangeably.
BB/hr - Big Blinds per hour. The standard measure of win rate in LLSNL
BBV - Brags, Beats, and Variance. The forum for posting bad beats or showing off hands. Not in here.
b/c - Bet and then call if someone raises
b/f - Bet and then fold if someone raises
b/3b - Bet and then re-raise if someone raises
BDFD - Back Door Flush Draw
BDSD - Back Door Straight Draw
BR - Bank Roll
c-bet - Continuation bet. When the pre-flop raiser bets on the flop
c/c - Check and call a bet
c/f - Check and fold to a bet
c/r - Check and raise a bet
CRAI - Check Raise All In
CO - Cut Off position (1 before the Button)
COTM - Concept of the Month (a series of threads on specific concepts. Links are in the Best of LLSNL sticky)
EP - Early Position
EV - Expected Value
FE - Fold Equity
FPS - Fancy Play Syndrome
GII- Get It In, i.e. "go all in"
GTO - Game Theory Optimal (most people who use this get the theory wrong.)
HJ - Hijack position (1 before Cut Off)
HH - Hand History (The details of what took place during a hand)
HU - Heads Up (Only 2 players still have cards)
IOs - Implied Odds
ITT - In This Thread
ITF - In This Forum
LAG - Loose aggressive (player)
LAP - Loose passive (player)
LJ - Lowjack position (1 before Highjack)
LNL - Live No Limit
LLSNL - Live Low-Stakes No Limit
LP - Late Position
L/P - Loose Passive (player)
L/RR - Limp/Re-raise, to limp in as first action and then if someone raises, to re-raise when action gets back.
MABG - Middle Aged Black Guy
MAWG - Middle Aged White Guy
MHIG - My Hand Is Good, used when folks post results (not until discussion has died down, please) to mean that they won at showdown.
MP - Mid Position
MUBS - Monsters Under the Bed Syndrome (being irrationally afraid of a certain holding, draw hitting, etc.)
MUBSy - A player who often has MUBS
MW - Multi-Way (A hand with more than 2 players to the flop)
NH - Nice Hand
o - Off-suit
OESD - Open Ended Straight Draw
OESFD - Open Ended Straight Flush Draw
OMC - Old Man Coffee, a very tight player
OOP - Out Of Position
OP - Original Poster, the person who started a thread
OP - Also sometimes used to mean Overpair.
OR - Open Raise (to open the betting preflop with a raise)
OTB - On the Button
OTF - On the Flop
OTT - On the Turn
OTTH - On To The Hand (What an OP says after giving all the background and starting the actual HH)
OTR - On the River
PAHWM - Play a Hand With Me. (A thread that goes decision point by decision point, with discussion for a day or so before the next decision point is posted.)
PFR - Pre-Flop Raise, or Pre-Flop Raiser (the one who made the PFR)
PLO - Pot-Limit Omaha
POW - Pay-off Wizard
PP - Pocket Pair
PSB - Pot Sized Bet
r - Rainbow (see with card ranks above)
RFI - Raise First In (aka Open Raise)
RIO - Reverse Implied Odds
s - Suited (see with card ranks above)
SB - Small Blind
SC - Suited Connector
SD - Standard Deviation
SDV - Show Down Value
SLAG - Super Loose Aggressive player
SPR - Stack-to-Pot Ratio
TAG - Tight Aggressive player
TP - Top Pair
TPTK - Top Pair, Top Kicker
TPGK - Top Pair, Good Kicker
TPMK - Top Pair, Medium Kicker
TPNK/TPBK/TPWK - Top Pair with a bad kicker
TTHRIC - This Thread Has Run Its Course (usually posted by a mod to explain why they are locking a thread that has degenerated)
UI - Unimproved
UTG - Under the gun - first position, to the left of the big blind
UTG+1 - The next player after UTG
VPIP - Voluntarily Put In Pot (put in money other than the blinds) Usually expressed as a percentage to give an idea how loose someone is. If followed by a slash and another number, that second one is how often their VPIP is a raise. So a 50/5 player plays half of his hands and very rarely raises.
WA/WB - Way Ahead/Way Behind
WG - White Guy
WP - Well Played
WR - Win Rate
x/c - Check/call
x/f - Check/fold
x/r - Check/raise
So. What's missing?
3 Replies
What’s OFC stand for?
Open Faced Chinese? That is a game related to poker, but it is rarely discussed in this forum. What context did you see it in?
Edit to add: Via a search, it looks lie a couple of posters use it in lowercase as a contraction for "of course."