What is this range?
1/2 $300 max game.
UTG in his 30s but plays like OMC. Super nitty. $250
UTG+1 total neophyte. $70
MP MAWG. Relatively aggro at this table. Covers table.
Button: Bad reg $100.
UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, MP to $15, Button calls, UTG c/r to $30. All call.
Flop: $120. KhJh7x. UTG bets $20. MP, Button call.
Turn: $180 KhJh7x 2x. UTG jams for about $200.
What do you range UTG on? Are there parts of his range that are much more likely vs. others?
6 Replies
Just a donkey with AA
Just post your damn hand.
1/2 $300 max game.
UTG in his 30s but plays like OMC. Super nitty. $250
UTG+1 total neophyte. $70
MP MAWG. Relatively aggro at this table. Covers table.
Button: Bad reg $100.
UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, MP to $15, Button calls, UTG c/r to $30. All call.
Flop: $120. KhJh7x. UTG bets $20. MP, Button call.
Turn: $180 KhJh7x 2x. UTG jams for about $200.
What do you range UTG on? Are there parts of his range that are much more likely vs. others?
AA, KK, AK, JJ, maybe occasionally QQ.
The min-click 3B pre is weird, but could be AA hoping to induce a 4B, or JJ planning to fold to a 4B.
The 1/6 pot c-bet could be a "see where I'm at" bet for value and protection, planning to jam brick turns.
AA, KK, AK, JJ, maybe occasionally QQ.
The min-click 3B pre is weird, but could be AA hoping to induce a 4B, or JJ planning to fold to a 4B.
The 1/6 pot c-bet could be a "see where I'm at" bet for value and protection, planning to jam brick turns.
Using symbols ">" to mean more likely than and ">>" to mean much more likely than,
my take was the pre c/r sizing is AA > KK >> JJ/QQ/AK. A complete nit is only going this small when he thinks he doesn't need protection from over cards.
The super tiny flop bet to me means KK > AA/AK/QQ. He feels very secure against 1 and 2 pair hands.
The turn jam on a safe card with 2 players in the pot means KK > AA.
Normally when playing against a more competent player you can't narrow ranges like this but to me, these players are playing almost face up.
To answer the other poster, my cards make the actual decision almost irrelevant. Hero had JJ and sadly it's not a fist bump call but a sigh call getting 2-1 expecting to not be good >50%.
Using symbols ">" to mean more likely than and ">>" to mean much more likely than,
my take was the pre c/r sizing is AA > KK >> JJ/QQ/AK. A complete nit is only going this small when he thinks he doesn't need protection from over cards.
The super tiny flop bet to me means KK > AA/AK/QQ. He feels very secure against 1 and 2 pair hands.
The turn jam on a safe card with 2 players in the pot means KK > AA.
Normally when playing against a more competent player you can't narrow ranges like this but to
Friendly reminder to everyone, when someone doesnt post their own hand, its very likely because their post is shenanigans.
My OCD-lite compels me to point out the pre-flop action is not a check-raise, but rather a limp-re-raise.
I'm not trying to weight certain hands more than others on each street. I'm just looking at each action in sequence, and figuring out which hands would logically fit into the range based on those actions.
Putting myself into V's head:
PRE - "Big pocket pair - let's go for the limp-re-raise squeeze to thin the field, but let's min-click it to try to induce a spaz 4B."
FLOP - "Oh, $hlt, everyone called, and no one 4B. I could be behind sets or 2P on this flop, and someone could get sticky with a draw if I bet a normal size. Let's bet small, to see where we're at. 2P+ should raise, so if we don't get raised, we can jam a brick turn."
TURN - "Awesome. No one raised, and the draws aren't there yet. Time to jam for max value and take it down before the board gets worse for us."
This line seems pretty nutted. Like I said - AA, KK, AK, JJ, and maybe occasionally an oddly-played QQ. But within that range, I think KK would bet bigger on the flop, to protect against the flush draw. So I'd weight his range more towards AA or AK, concerned about KJ, and less towards KK.
I'm somewhat with @Tomark that being asked to figure out a range for V without knowing hero's hand or position is mildly annoying, but I'll allow that we don't necessarily need to know that stuff to put V on a range.
If we have JJ here, we're only losing to KK. I don't think we can fold, if we put AA, AK, and QQ or even QThh into his range.