Got the goods - now how much?
Hand 1 - 1/2 NL - 600 effective
V1 - Older white guy with ego problem, overvalues top pair, and will go broke with OPs, usually makes 3/4 to pot sized bets when he is strong
V2 - complete fish, never seen before, literally dusting off money, one of the worst players I have ever seen - has about 300
H in BB has 53ss - several limpers, V1 in button raises to 10, H calls (not a single 3 bet has occured in the 2 hours I have played, besides V1, all other players are loose passive, and very transparent) 4 callers including V2
Flop (50ish)
H x, V2 bets 15, all fold besides V1 who calls, completing the action I make the speculative call
Turn (95ish)
x, V1x, V2 bets 30, H calls, V2 calls
River (185ish)
I don't see how I do not have the best hand here and H?
2 Replies
Raise is too big and rake is too high to call pre.
Flop good.
I’d raise turn. Players betting small for multiple streets on wet board are putting a “kick me” sign on their back, we plausibly rep AJ, and there’s no better hand to pounce on the weakness with than a combo draw with an important set/2p blocker.
As played, donk river. Our perceived range is balanced by whiffed draws.
I prolly make it $100. I find calling ranges to be pretty elastic at these stakes once bets get bigger, and we ideally want one pair hands to call.
Results - H donks out 80 and gets V1 to make the call - V never showed, most likely Ax