ATo MW, flop OESD

ATo MW, flop OESD

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

SB - bad loose passive calling 20 pre and folding everything post, just bleeding down to nothing then going all in and rebuying, betting range is premium only. 140$.

BB - loose passive but more gambly, likes to take flops and chase. 250$.

H - UTG+1. Has tight winning image. 1200$.

CO - semi-competent player who is up a lot and drinking and trying to act drunk to get action but actually is playing mostly sound. He tries to act dumb, raises huge, and has KK sort of thing. He's very capable of bluffing. That said he's opening wide and calling wide (A5o for 20 pre, KJo 3bet pre, 22 putting in stacks with SB for 150$ pre, etc). Covers.

BTN - Drunk woman who spilled wine all over herself and the table going all in pre almost every hand for 200$ and rebuying when she loses it. If she wins she starts going 100$ blind. She's on the phone this hand and forgot to put in her blind 100$. 800$.


H opens A T to 20, CO, BTN, SB, BB call. 5 ways 3rd to act.

Flop 100 - J 9 8

check, check, H bets 25, CO calls, BTN folds, SB folds, BB calls, 3 ways.

Turn 175 - 5

check, check, check

River 175 - A

BB checks, I bet 45, CO raises to 165, BB folds.... Hero?

07 July 2024 at 05:58 AM

28 Replies
