Should I call this flop 3bet jam?

Should I call this flop 3bet jam?

Hi all,

I was playing some $2/$5 at my local casino last night; a nice limpy action game.

Action folds to the Lojack, a loose aggressive player, who limps in for $5 off a $455 stack. I'm on the button and look down at 65. I want to isolate and play pots in position against the Lojack. I have his stack covered; I go to $30 and he calls. (I realize this is a larger than usual size for raising limpers - I used $22/$25 in the past, but that size is not enough to get folds from the remaining players in this game; so I've been defaulting to $30).

The flop comes 652 and villain leads for $40. My main concern at this point is protecting my hand against semi bluffs (as this villain loves playing flush draws aggressively) so I raise to $125. He tanks for a long while and makes a couple of comments like "what am I meant to do here?" and then rips it for $425.


26 August 2024 at 06:55 PM

96 Replies
