Will this boat float or sink?
1/3, $500 max, 9 handed, Saturday, early evening.
V1 / SB - Solid reg, playing off ~$700 stack.
V2 / BB - MAWG, never seen him before, seems ok, talking a bit too much strat at the table, especially considering he recently got stacked and had to re-buy, playing off ~$450.
Hero / CO - MAWG, playing TAG, but running insanely bad, probably a terrible table image, playing off ~$350.
Action folds to hero who opens from the CO to $15 with 3h3d. Folds to SB, who calls. BB calls. And we're three to the flop...
FLOP ($45) - QsTs3s - yay, I flop bottom set on a monotone board.
x, x, hero $15, call, call.
TURN ($90) - QsTs3s 5c
x, x, hero $45, call, call.
RIVER ($225) - QsTs3s5c Qh - yay, I river bottom boat.
V1/SB reaches for his chips like he's thinking about betting for half a second, but then quickly checks. V2/BB thinks for a few seconds, and then bets $175. Hero has $275 remaining, that he was planning to jam, until he saw V2 bet.
Kind of a weird spot. I'll only have $100 left behind if I flat call, and I'm not sure V1 is going to call behind if I do. I'll be sick if I flat, and V1 jams behind, or if V2 turns over AQ.
I have bottom boat on a monotone board, but the blinds could have a lot of Qx in their ranges, including QT, as well as 55, maybe. I'm not sure if BB is going to be donking river with a flush or trip Q's when I raised pre, bet flop, and bet turn. But this bet seems kinda fishy / bluffy.
Do I just close my eyes and jam? Is anyone ever folding bottom boat on this board? Is it too nitty to just flat call?