KK herofold

KK herofold

Hi guys
I am pretty new to live poker and I recently played a very weird hand in which I made what could may be the worst herofold ever
1/3 LIVE with a mandatory straddle to 6
Hero has around 500$ in his stack and opens from UTG KdKs to 15
4 callers from CO,BTN , SB and BB
Flop 933 rainbow with a ❤️
I decided to check with a read that the BTN is over cbetting with the intention to check raise but action checks around
Turn 10 of ❤️
Sb bets 3$, BB raises to 15$(very loose player preflop, flop and turn) and I decide to make it 50$ , BB calls
River is the 3 and BB leads out for 75$
I found this very weird especially since the BB is a station and I assumed from previous similar hands that he prefers to check call all his 10's in this spot
I tank for a while and could not find the right solution in game and took what I think is the worst solution I could find: raise to 200$, letting me with 250 behind with the plan to fold if he puts me all in since I think he won't jam unless he has a 3
The reason for this was that I think the BB might find it very hard to fold a 10 to that sizing and may fold to an all-in( which after debating with my friend was a wrong approach)
BB is a very splashy player, however just preflop and on the flop,he always slows down on turns and rivers when he does not have an extremely good hand
He is defintely capable of bluffing some spots, however I do not think this is the case here when I represent really strong and I only have about 250 behind
Moreover, I made the wrong miscalculation on the river and thought I had about 400 behind when raising to 200
After a while, he puts me all-in and I tank for a while before eventually sticking with my plan. I know, you may call me a nitt but everytime I saw him reraise the river in this session he always had it and I really don't think this is a spot where he could have bluffs or worse hands, how I said
I have 3 questions about this hand
1) What does the donk bet on the river mean?My friend who is more experienced in live says he was weak with that bet, I thought he was very strong after the turn action
2) Would you prefer a simple all-in raise on the river and if he has a 3 so be it?
3) Is the hero fold really unnecesarily tight and my assumptions are way too harsh( especially since I did play low volume(2 sessions with that guy)
So please, let me know what you guys think and remember I made this fold only for very exploitative live reasons( I know this is a slam dunk call in 99% of the cases, but I felt like his line was way too suspicious against my strong line)
Also please provide advice with explanation 😀 It would help me a lot of what you think of my line👍🏼Cheers

) 2 Views 2
31 August 2024 at 03:07 AM

9 Replies

Raise more pre. With the straddle you are raising to less than 3x BB. Make it at least 20 or maybe 25 depending on the table dynamics.

Bet the flop. This is close to mandatory.

Just call the river. You have one pair. Try to get to showdown.

You made the worst decision on every street except for the turn.

Thanks for the input
However I am not sure you read the hand entirely corect and my notes from the players
It s easy to say that I played the hand in the worst possible way on every street when you don't even read that the board was 933 10 3 and I had Kk and you say that I had one pair on the river?And to try to get to showdown? Like what's the reason for you to suggest not going for value there?
Close to mandatory to bet the flop? Probably, however I clearly insisted that the button is over cbetting and I thought I am printing more money by check raising
But you provided very few reasons, I am more interested in learning and understanding the thought process I should approach in these spots rather than blindly listening to what you would do in this spot
I also asked 3 questions in the end
Thank you in advance

I would bet the flop. It's a very safe flop, but (1) are people 3betting overpairs preflop and, if so, (2) are you going to get called by worse when it's 5 way? I would just bet this small, a check-raise may be an overplay.

I think the turn is OK, you are ahead of T9, and may still get called by a bare Ten.

On the river, you need to consider who can have a 3 (which would have only been a minor consideration until now). The most likely player by far is the BB as they were getting better than 5/1 preflop, so you might well see hands like A3o, 53s and so on especially if that player is splashy. But also 99 and TT. Do you expect to get called by a Ten enough when you have raised turn and raise river? It's close but I lean towards a river call, and when you get jammed on you're toast, you have a moderately strong hand but far from the nuts.

Overall you seem to be overvaluing your hand strength when the biggest consideration needs to be the multiway nature of the pot.

Call the river the first time. After raising I fold to his jam.

It’s 5-way so obviously I’m fine with sprinkling in checks with all sorts of hands, but not on-board with the justification. This hand plays much better as a bet than a x/r.

River raise/fold is perfect.

Raise bigger pre. The normal raise in most 1/3 games is $12-$15. With the straddle on, it should be $20, maybe more, depending on other factors. When we're first to act at a splashy table, I probably open to $25.

Flop check when we're sandwiched in the middle of four opponents is okay. But I might c-bet small on this dry board texture. We can get called by PP's from 44 to 88 and 9x. Our opponents shouldn't have much 3x or 99 in their ranges.

As played, SB's turn donk of 1BB is super-fishy, and should be treated as a check. BB's raise is probably for value. He could have T9, 99, or 3x for value. This hand is already off the rails from pre-flop, with our small raise and four callers. At this point, I probably just flat call, and see what develops on the river.

V's river donk of $75 into $175 is interesting. We'll never have 3x here, but he could. He could have almost any two cards in the BB, considering the price he was getting to over-call pre. He might be over-valuing Tx, but he'd have to be pretty bad to do that, when our hand is so face-up, the way we've played it.

Our hand is basically just a bluff-catcher. We lose to any 3, 99, and occasionally, TT. Hard for him to be bluffing, or value-betting with worse, when we 3B turn. I think I just fold to his bet.

Preliminary suggestion: next time please mention the pot size on each street, as well as the approximate stack(s) of the main villain(s).

With the straddle, you are less than 100x deep, so I do not mind a 2.5x open, although it is for sure small for live standards.

Flop is a mandatory cbet: you extract value from a whole lot of worse hands, and with your hand and spr, you can comfortably call a raise, in case.

As played, both the SB lead and BB raise are very small compared to the pot, so the reraise seems fine.

River is tough: besides a 3, V may have also 99 and TT. In a vacuum, I like the raise/fold, although our action may be very different depending on our reads on V.

OP, please look at the stickies on how to post a hand. This is really hard to read and to follow.

Also, don't include your last action. I missed it at the time, and it's too late to edit now, but this really biases people's advice.

V might also have T9 here. I can't fold a 250 pot for only 75 on the river.

Raising might be ambitious. Though it's not like H showed massive strength, anywhere IMHO. Pot is 81 minus the rake, and I don't consider raising a 3 dollar or 15 dollar bet on the turn to 50 to be very strong.

My range for BB after the turn includes A3s, A9s, ATs, Axhh, some Kxhh, Q9hh+,QJo-87o, a whole slew of Tx and 9x, maybe 53s, and a lot of PP 88-44. You get the idea. A lot of stabby trash that might not see a problem paying 50 into 125 to see a river and catch.

What is most of that range going to do on the River? Block bet/check and preserve SD value? Sure.

Alternatively, donk <1/2 pot with value and hope V gets raised. As might've happened here. We've the 5th nuts (3x, TT, 99, then AA, and nobody likely has AA here besides H)

I agree with r/f. Might not have raised 80% of pot, but w/e. It'd be a special V to not just call off another 200 with 3s full of 9s or 10s, nm going nuts with T9 here. Nobody folds boats, and there might be a bunch of em here H beats
So raise.

I aso can't see V turning whiffed Hearts into a bluff on a now trips board this way.

So, wp if you folded.
