AA all in
Live poker table, 8 players, many are loose and not that good. Blinds 1/2, Hero stack 350
Hero AA in SB, button just called straddle (4), h raise 12, UTG called and button called.
Pot ~38
Flop 9♠️ 7♣️ 5♣️
H wants to stop villans to follow any draw (table is loose, so they could have called with some suited connector or A8, A6 or even A9).
Bet 50, both v call
Pot ~200
Turn 9♠️ 7♣️ 5♣️ 3♠️
Now h has less than 300, and this card doesn't help most of the time v, unless one of them has 46, but I think 6 or 8 or ♣️ would have been worse.
Because of some previous hand, one of the villan may call hero all in even if behind following some draw, so h shove on the turn.
What do you think about H strategy?
Ok, OP, please stop arguing with everyone who posts. If your game conditions are highly unusual and you have strong reads on your Vs, then we can't help you, as you know the situation better than we do. But the goal of posting here is to learn, not to convince people that you're right.
You don't have to respond to every post.
If you know more I suppose you can reason with someone, I agreed with something but I didn't with something else. Don't care about convince anyone, but it is like a teacher in scholl is not supposed to get questions from student, we are lucky enough that someone in the past didn't accept passevely all other people opinions. Because listing doesn't mean I have to agree with you, but I like to have a different point of view.
One last thing, you didn't suggest all the same thing, so I'm not going against a general opinion but I'm discussing with who have a different one to understand why it is like that.
In conclusion, please feel free to block me if you don't like my way to post on here, all the best and good luck.
It looks like you've been a member of this forum for an entire 24 hours, and you're already fighting with others. I don't know if you're socially awkward and/or just a combative person.
Try to do better at reading the room.
OP, my above was advice as a moderator of the forum. You'll get better responses if you don't respond to each one and if you put all the information like villain reads and relevant history in the OP. It's OK to ask for clarification or to post info you forgot, but if half the posts in the thread are from you, that will turn people off.
please feel free to block me if you don't like my way to post on here
You don't want me to do that, as a block from me would ban you from the site. I don't think what you are doing is ban-worthy, but your posting style has been very confrontational thus far. Just chill a bit and let the responses come in, and I think you'll find this a better experience.
OP, my above was advice as a moderator of the forum. You'll get better responses if you don't respond to each one and if you put all the information like villain reads and relevant history in the OP. It's OK to ask for clarification or to post info you forgot, but if half the posts in the thread are from you, that will turn people off.
You don't want me to do that, as a block from me would ban you from the site. I don't think what you are doing is ban-worthy, but your posting style has been ve
I think that villan reads are part of the game and I'm supposed to give you this piece of informarions, for example here I think it is a valuable information.
My game wasn't that good because I didn't bet the right amount in more spots, so despite the reads I gave you, you could still give me some advises, I didn't agree with some of them (not all) so I wanted a clarification, you can just say, like you did, "ok it is fine then", or give me other informations on this, but on here many users just said I shouldnt ask question and I want to teach stuff, while I just asked for clarification.
Regarding you blocking me, yes I meant the ban, I'm happy to receive suggestions about the game and the way to post on here, but if you don't like it you can ban me and it is fine with me. It is funny cause I saw people on here insulting other users and didn't get ban, but it is not my job and not my forum, so just do what you think it is best.
Whish you all the best again 👍🏻
OP, I think you have a bad read on Garick. He's trying to help you get more effective answers, not hating on you.
As others have said, if you think you can get worse hands to call by overbetting the pot, then the sizing is fine. For most situations, it is too much. You're going to get answers based on most situations.