Top Pair Multiway
Hero Opens to 5bb MP 10d8d (150bb)
4 callers
Im OOP to one player
Flop 8h7s3d (30bb)
Hero bets 12.5bb
Two callers
Maybe I should have bet bigger on this flop as lot of bad cards to come on turn
Turn 8c (55bb)
Checks through
I checked this turn as I think I will have to check back with a lot of my range here
River 3s (55bb)
Hero bets 40bb
10 Replies
fold pre, check flop. turn could go either way reads would help. against loose passives just bet. river i would overbet because it looks FOS and i think you get looked up by pocket pairs a lot.
Fold pre, unless people are making fun of you for being a nit, then sound the charge we go to war. Smaller on flop, like 8bb is fine. Turn bet 40bb or so, if you wanna check back do so with 77, 33, 87. River I like an overbet best, 80bb at least. Charge them max for daring to make fun of you for being a nit.
Yeah, once the 8 comes OTT, we need to 3 barrel this.
Pre is marginal, but image/table dependent.
Flop - bet is fine, could be slightly smaller
Turn - we gotta barrell here
River- agree with others on bet big. We're only really worried about 78 or 33 and I think we'd have heard from either by now. I might just overbet jam.
Bet turn jam river. You are only repping an 8 and will get heroed a lot by pairs and some ace high.
Pre probably ok depending on exact position.
Flop go smaller multi way like 20pc then size up turn to say 75pc and river will be a jam as ppl said
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I would fold pre here, but when raising (doesn't matter what you're raising with) don't bet 2.5x the straddle, bet at least 4x (8 bb's). You should start with 4x or even 5x in a 1/1/2 game then add another x for each additional caller, and another one if you're raising from the blinds.
As played bet the turn, you pretty much ginned it almost. You have trips, bet for both value and protection (you don't wanna give free cards away only to have a higher FD get a free diamond and scoop your pot away).
Yeah maybe I was over thinking the turn I was assuming I would check back a lot here. What would we be doing with our OP betting turn too?
Yes I would still be if I had an OP ott.