QQ facing shove
Early Sunday afternoon 1-3-6...Main Villain has only $200ish to start the hand...table has been unusually limpy-passive, even though the HH promo for Sunday is on the lower end for payouts. Villain is a 30-something WG, friendly, big and kind of boisterous (not drinking)...he hasn't been here long, haven't seen him do anything noteworthy.
Villain limps the straddle, four limps to me in the SB and I raise to $50 with Q♠ Q♣. Quiet MAAG in straddle (also hasn't been here long, no read) calls(!?), Villain calls, others fold.
Flop ($150) 3-Way
K♣ 9♣ 6♣
I check, UTG checks, Villain quietly puts out a stack of $100...when I ask him to lift his hands so I can see his chip stack, he boisterously responds "Hell, I've got two of them," and holds both hands open, one of which contains the rest of his chips, approx. $35-40...
Hero should....?
I'm fine with preflop.
At SPR 1 I think (?) I just jam the flop, although with QQ it's probably borderline (AA completely invulnerable to overcards can check, JJ more vulnerable to overcards can jam, QQ is inbetween?). Giving free cards in committed spots sucks and at worst if we're snapped off by Kx we give ourselvers correct flush draw odds.
As played I jam. Our check could have easily gotten him to bet worse / draw.
There is still a third player in the hand who also began with 100BBs. I don't think we should ignore him.
Yeah, that's true enough; OP didn't mention his stack size so I originally just assumed also effective, but if we're gobs deep with him then obviously that changes things. Not too worried about him with flop check, although this does make the other guys flop bet stronger (but whatchagonna do at this SPR, imo).
I made a solver chart to assist you in this difficult low-stakes spot:
I hope this assists you in making your incredibly easy decision even easier.
Wow, frantically searching for one of my posts so you can milk a "Gotcha?"
Print out the page so your mommy can tape it to the fridge.