Exploit nits by overfolding.

Exploit nits by overfolding.


~$500 effective

SB - OMC, 60-70 years old. Plays very tight.
HH: He limped from UTG with JJ and just called a raise.

UTG limps, Hero(BU) KT raises to $25, SB 3bets to $80, Hero calls

Flop($175) T 4 2

SB bets $125, Hero - ?

Can I just give up here? Normally, this is never a fold against most opponents, but against nits, can I just muck it right away?

I usually call these bets and then evaluate the odds on the turn, trying to put my opponent on AK in their range to justify the call.

07 October 2024 at 09:51 PM

71 Replies
