Flopped TPTK facing serious heat multi-way.
1/3, $500 max BI, 9-handed. Parx Philly, Friday night around 9pm.
Hero, early 50's WG, LAG, running over the table for the past few hours, built up a >$3k stack off 1st BI. Mostly running pure, only been caught bluffing once or twice in the past few hours. Pretty much always had it at showdown.
V1 - MAWG, started out as loose-passive rec-fish, bordering on whale. Limp-calling a lot, even cold-calling some big 3B's. Wants to see flops. Won't fold to a single bet. Sometime in the past hour or two, he flipped a switch and is now borderline maniacal, especially facing hero, donking a lot, even multi-way on boards that wouldn't seem to favor his range, check-raising a lot, even with marginal hands, pushing with all his draws, tone of table-talk, etc. Around $800 to start the hand.
V2 - late 20's med-student, played with him a few times. Very smart. Very competent player. Rarely getting out of line, or too far. Mostly been quiet since he sat down, wearing his ear buds, not saying much, not playing very many hands. RFI'ing here and there, some over-limping, no open limping. Mostly staying away from hero. Sitting to V1's direct left, and two seats to hero's right. Around $600 to start the hand.
V1 open limps from EP. V2 over-limps next to act. Hero opens to $25 from MP/LP with AcQc. Folds back around. Both V1 and V2 call.
FLOP ($75) - Qs6d4s.
X, X, H $30. V1 $80. V2 call. H 3B $300. V1 4B jams AI. V2 calls AI for less. Pot is now $1725. $475 for hero to call, so a little more than 3.6 to 1.
No really relevant hand histories with anything specific to go on. From what I've seen, V1 could be on a draw, or 1P + a draw, but could also have 66, 44, or 64 here, as well as 6s5s, or 53, or 75, or worse Qx, or just a naked flush draw. He was VPIP'ing close to 100% / calling my opens and 3B's close to 100%.
What had me worried was V2 flat-calling V1's x/r, and then calling V1's jam. It seemed very likely to me that he might take this line with 66/44, but probably wouldn't get here with just a naked flush draw or straight draw, or worse Qx, and I didn't think he'd get involved pre with 53s or 75s. I didn't think there was any way in hell he'd call V2's x/r with me still in the hand without a decent amount of equity.
Is this just an auto-fold with TPTK? It felt like it in-game. I was really regretting the 3B, but didn't like the idea of letting the draws see the turn for only $80. Once V1 jammed and V2 called, I didn't think there was any way I was good against both.