QT on a K933 board
$500 effective
BB - Unknown player who just joined the table an orbit ago, bought in for the 100bb cap.
Hero(BU) Q♠T♦ raises to $20, BB calls
Flop($45) K♠ 9♦ 3♥
x, Hero bets $15, BB calls
Turn($75) 3♣
x, Hero bets $30, BB calls
River($135) 6♣
x, Hero - ?
8 Replies
Given there's no obvious draws, and villain is unknown, I give up river, because the river really changes nothing, and we don't know if he has a fold button., and so will likely call off his KJ or whatever.
I do not understand the small flop bet, but whatever. Once it's called, check turn or bet bigger. As played, on river I give up. I doubt he's folding a pair unless you bet $75 - $100, and I don't think it's worth it vs an unknown.
I like the small flop bet. I'm in the bet turn big and give up river camp. He should still have a decent # of hands that fold here. 9x, PPs, A highs, gutters. Probably even get some weaker Kx to fold to a PSB.
I like the small flop bet.... He should still have a decent # of hands that fold here. 9x, PPs, A highs, gutters.
I agree. Betting 1/3 on this dry flop folds out these hands beating you. It's profitable even if V folds just a third of the time. You could try to fold out Kx with a 2/3 bet, but I think your typical recreational player mostly calls Kx. The fold equity is not worth the large bet, imo.
After the flop call, unimproved against a typical rec, I’m giving up on the hand.
Pre seems okay. Flop seems okay. Not sure what the best turn bet sizing would be.
Interesting spot on the river. Our hand blocks his QJ/JT draws and T9 that fold to another barrel, but also partially blocks his KQ/KT that calls. Think we'd rather have clubs than spades or diamonds in our hand. And people seem to get sticky with any pair when the board pairs.
Think this is an okay spot to just give up. It's possible we win against a worse draw, like JT. If we want to bet, I'd think we could bet maybe $90-$100, just targeting his 9x and QJ to fold.
If youre gonna barrel the turn you gotta go like $60, but i dont think its a great card to barrel since Kx still wont fold but now 3x isnt folding either.