1-3NL...TT..."Can I go now?"

1-3NL...TT..."Can I go now?"

V1--30-something WG, sat down a couple of orbits ago, was very interested in being able to match the nearly 1K stack of the neighbor between him and me. He's been active splashing around, but I haven't seen anything crazy from him.

V2--40-something tired-looking WG, looks like he's already had a quite a few drinks...bought in for $300...dribbled it down to $135 through basic bad, passive fish play.

V3--Young, very passive Indian tourist.

Hero--61WG--Haven't done much...sitting at $450 (only brought 1.5K for this session).

V3 limps UTG, I raise to $15 with TT, folded to V1 in the CO who raises to $45, folded to the SB who shoves his $135...folded back to Hero...

I'm assuming this is an auto-fold?

05 November 2024 at 01:11 AM

9 Replies

I realize now as written the hand is a clear fold.

Actually, the hand was 1-3-6, and Hero raised to $25, after which V1 raised to $65, and then V2 shoved for $135.

It may still be an auto fold, regardless.

Given the original hand with V2 as SB, it might be a call ... V2 can be getting bored with limp/call/folding and be shoving wide. Folding is still fine though.

I agree that SB could have any playable hand here if your ready is correct. You're only 80BB deep yourself with the straddle on - if you rejam do you expect to get folds from hands like AQ, AK or JJ? You certainly get folds from plenty of other hands with equity against you.

Rejamming is tempting although if you fold you'll likely be able to see V1's hand as he'll surely call off, so perhaps in a close situation that might tip the scales.

I dont think youll have many sleepless nights folding TT to a cold 4 bet at 1/3.

by Tomark k

I dont think youll have many sleepless nights folding TT to a cold 4 bet at 1/3.


Every time I've gotten stacks in by 4B'ing or calling a 4B with TT it's been a disaster.

Folding here whether I have 15 or 25 out there, especially with the action still open behind.

If for some reason CO folded out of turn I would call the 135.

It's fold or shove. Just depends on how splashy CO has been? Is he 3betting a lot? Have you seen any hands? If this 3bet is rare, just fold.

Vs most 3 bet ranges here you are already behind in a live game, but we call cause of the odds ( assuming they 3 bet even AK), but once the other guy shoves, you dont really have any good option since reraising is an overplay unless the 3 bettor is super wide, and calling opens us up to getting shoved on.

I don’t think it’s an autofold at all, though I do think it’s a fold. There are definitely V1’s here fitting your description where I’m trying to play for stacks, but many more where fold is the play.
