GTO Wizard for Live No-Limit Players
Can anyone advise how to improve your live-cash game studying with GTO Wizard? I want to believe that this powerful program can offer something. I paid $89 for one month of the premium version. I watched the intro video. I’ve played with it for a few hours. I haven’t found anything relevant yet. Should I cancel my subscription?
My biggest frustration is that GTO Wizard limits the sims mostly to heads-up play with an opponent playing a non-exploitable super-LAG strategy. I would get crushed live if I ever took this strategy (GTO Wizard 5-bets even AQ in some situations). On the flop, it checks spots with TPTK, and because the data is overwhelming, I don’t understand why. GTO can’t simulate typical live-cash play at the various betting amounts and multiway. Limp, limp, hero raise 7x, call, call: GTO Wizard says no, no, no, you cannot simulate that hand.
I have no doubt some of you spend a good deal of time with GTO Wizard. Would you share your wisdom on how to get the most of it?