88 Is This Jam A Punt?
2-3 NL match the stack, usually plays more like a 3-5. Hero has 630 and is covered by sb (1200) and btn (900). The other 4 are loose passive. Btn has big sizing tells pre, big is better. Sb is a pro.
Hero in bb with 88. Btn straddles 6
Pre: sb opens 20, hero calls, 4 calls, btn makes it 100, sb calls, hero ships 630?
While it might be reasonable for a live player to raise AJo and call AJs, folding KQs and calling KQo is something I'd never considered.
Also 5.1% (68 combos) is not "nearly the same" as 8.4% (112 combos), in fact it's 60.7% of the combos.
Then there's the fact that 88 has ~42% vs. your calling range ... so even if your assumed raise/call range is correct then I'm pretty sure shoving is better than folding in a vacuum (quick math: 40% of the time we get a free $140; 60% of the time we have 42% equ
It’s a free 280 of everyone folds.