Did I crash my boat?
2/5 w/ sporadic straddles, this pot is straddled. $2500 eff. V is young and, based on a few hours, much better than a typical 2/5 player. At the very least, ballsier and more creative. Cold 4! bluffs and stuff like that.
8 handed. V opens $30 UTG +1.
Hero calls Js9s in the $5 blind. I had some reasons for doing this, but it's still probably a fold, even with my reasons.
Flop Jh9h9c.
Turn: Jh9h9sAs
I bet $30. He makes it $120. I call.
River Jh9h9sAc7h. Pot about 300.
I check. He bets $225. I make it $625. He goes all in. If you fold, what is the worst hand you call with? If you call, what is the best hand you'd fold?