AA in SB

AA in SB

1-2 NL with btn straddle to 8. Mp is MAWG and tight and straightforward. Btn is MAWG and extremely aggro. Around 600 eff.

Hero in sb with AhAd

Pre: Hero limps, mp limp, btn check.

Flop (26) : T83cc
Hero 10 just mp calls

Turn (46) : Accc

31 December 2024 at 06:26 AM

5 Replies

Is this a full table? What percentage of the pots in this 1/2 game will be raised? Probably less here as you strongly block AA/AK/AQ/AJ.

Against tight and straightforward villain I would bet the turn and call if it isn't huge. If he has a flush, you probably get paid off if the board pairs.

Is this a double straddle? Or just a casino where you can straddle to any size?

Limping seems fine, especially if that is part of your usual SB strategy in these set-ups.

Is MP the kind of player that is limping hands like QJo and even J9o? If so, there are tons of hands to get value from now that won't call the river and (likely, given the read) won't bluff. So I would probably bet-call turn, as deuceblocker said.

This is a single straddle up to 10.

bet then decide. hero has too much equity to protect.

$25 seems good

BTN straddle sux for the game.

That said, I could go either way with limping (assuming your intent was to 3B), or just coming out with a standard open.

If we limp and no one raises, I think I'd bet bigger on this flop. At least pot, if not an over bet.

When we bet 40% pot and get called by an ABC player, I don't hate going into check-call mode on the turn that completes the obvious flush draw. It would suck to barrel and get raised huge.

Then again, we're starting $600 eff, and the pot is small enough that if we bet $30-$35 and got raised to $120-$180, we could still call and try to boat up on the river. V may even slow play his made flushes by just flat calling, when we're betting flop and turn.

I think the best solution is to barrel small, like $20-$25, and see how V reacts.

It's hard to make a flush. V could have some TP, 2P, and straight draw combos when he calls flop. Betting small allows him to continue with those hands, and may induce him to raise off with his flushes.
