Pretty flop but I have bottom pair.
2/3 NL 400 effective.
I open As9c to 12 in the CO and only an older gentlemen in the BB calls. He seems like an old school TAG but very small sample size.
(24 in the pot) KsJs9s...He checks....What should I do?
11 Replies
I think you are going to need to just check this back any bet is going to take the pot down unless he has spades already, but your also still drawing yourself. Best case scenario he has the Qs with K or J kicker another spade comes and you get paid. I really do not see much advantage to c-betting this flop most likely will just end the hand.
Check or bet small like 5 is fine. Monotone you should bet v small as can be wawb. Checking drawing to nuts is fine too
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I probably just fold this piece of cheese preflop. On the Button I'd be cooler with it.
Think I would probably bet small. We could be best and are protecting our hand, we could get worse to call, a small bet enables us to call a small check/raise, sets us up for free card on the turn if we want it, etc.
I would pretty much always open this hand pre-flop from the CO. It's a different story if there are a few limps in front, though.
On the flop I am betting small and calling a reasonably sized check-raise if it comes. As GG says above, my plan if called is probably going to be to check back the turn and most likely bluffcatch the river (or just bink A-high flush, of course)
Just bet a normal amount. $10 - $12 is what I would do. He's not raising, but if he does, easy call.
This seems like a really easy open from CO. I would bet about 1/2 pot and generally call a raise.
Check or small bet are both totally fine.
As is opening this hand from the CO.
Easy open pre in the CO and I think small bet like 25% or 33% or check are fine on the flop. Mainly check.
If you bet it, you can get called by worse - smaller pocket pairs with a spade, some weaker 9x, some hands that have a straight draw. Good to have 9x on certain runouts. Any 9 is a good disguised hand, an A is pretty good, and obviously we can get value from a weaker flush if spades come in. Also having the As and a 9 will be good blockers are certain runouts for certain, blocking flushes and 2p as well as boats on some runouts. Say if turn is a blank and river pairs the J and we face a smaller bet, we might raise river as a bluff.
Check is fine too though as our hand is good for all the same reasons to have in our flop checkback range also. Also, plenty of showdown value, don't get value from a ton of worse hands, not in need of very much protection.
Can't bet as recklessly on this one because the board blocks so many of our nutted hands (and he's got more of the unblocked flushes), and Bottom Pair Top Kicker is pretty middle-of-range in terms of showdown value.
However, it has good enough equity you might want to bet it if you otherwise struggle showing up with enough 9x OTT.
Can't bet as recklessly on this one because the board blocks so many of our nutted hands (and he's got more of the unblocked flushes), and Bottom Pair Top Kicker is pretty middle-of-range in terms of showdown value.
However, it has good enough equity you might want to bet it if you otherwise struggle showing up with enough 9x OTT.
Hadn't even questioned the V having a 9x hand with either the J or K because for a great deal of players especially lower stacks this is a playable hand within their range.
PRE - Opening A9o in the CO is usually / probably fine, depending on our reads on BTN and blinds. If they tend to call too wide and get super-sticky post-flop, it may be problematic.
FLOP - I'd be c-betting here, for maybe $6. Folding to a raise. If we get called, I may or may not barrel turn and river.
Looking at card removal, if he's really TAG, he could have QTss for a straight flush. He might not fold any QX or TX spades combo here, re-drawing to a straight flush.
Beyond that, we're getting into combos like 87ss and worse SC's, which should usually fold to continued aggression, but might not. We could be running into a brick wall if we keep betting.
Other than seeing another spade come out, I'd probably barrel on any A, Q, T, or 9. I'd be looking for any tells on the flop and turn to help me decide if I want to barrel on a brick. If we do barrel turn, I'd probably size up to 2/3 pot.