Some BB hands.

Some BB hands.

2/3 NL. I have 500.

Lets say there are 4 limps to me in the BB. I think the limps are mostly loose ranges and not tricky big hand limps. Would you be raising any of these with the hopes of taking down the pot pre? I have a tight image. Is it better to just check and see a flop? I think there is a pretty good chance I will take it down with a good raise but sometimes I will get a call or two.

1) Ah5h
2) KsJc
3) 9cTc
4) AsTc

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09 January 2025 at 06:12 PM

5 Replies

I would raise 2 and 4, and I would check 1 and 3, but that's just me. Nothing wrong with checking all of them.

I'm probably more passive than most, but in general I don't think it is a huge coup to take down a handful of limps preflop (versus seeing a flop with some morans and winning huge money postflop). So I'm fine with just seeing a flop with all these hands. There is some argument with the nutmaking A5s hand to perhaps making a small juicer raise (as these stacks will be hard to play for without one). But our skill advantage will be somewhat offset by our positional disadvantage, so I wouldn't go too crazy with any of these.


15-20$ open with any of these seems fine to me. KJ being the exception I would most likely check that hand. If your seen as tight this most likely would be in any of your arsenal I wouldn't go too much though you may get called down by someone limping a monster from EP. Your post play should also be factored in before you even open.

I would usually check with all of them, accept the suited ace, which I would always check. I prefer to play that hand deep and mostly just for a big hand. Axs is kind of worthless multiway when you just make top pair.

I would raise 1 and 3 often (start building the pot), 4 sometimes and 3 probably rarely
