Flop bottom pair as PFR in multiway pot
Blinds: $1/3 (7 handed)
Hero: UTG (Ad 4d)
Villain(s): SB, BB, BTN
Effective Stack: $300
Pretty boring hand, but looking for help with trying to build a repeatable post-flop thought process in particular. Honestly, just making these posts helps me think through things more thoroughly - grateful for these forums!
Table overall pretty tight and passive. Only been there for 30-60 minutes or so. SB is a loose/passive old guy - good natured and having fun. BB even older white guy who seemed very passive and more tight. My image is likely tight since I have only played a hand or two that were uneventful.
Preflop ($4): 7 handed
Hero RFI $15 UTG (Ad4d), BTN call, SB call, BB call
Is this too wide 7 handed or fine at a fairly tight/passive table?
Flop ($54): Qc 6s 4h
SB check, BB check, Hero bet $35, BTN fold, SB call, SB call
Dry, mostly disconnected flop felt OK to c-bet with bottom pair and overcard as semi-bluff (vs 6x, 55) & to deny equity (vs Kx, Jx, Tx)... And I'm ahead of some straight draws. Maybe into 3 opponents is too ambitious? If not c-betting, is this a C/F to a BTN bet or C/F to a turn SB or BB bet unimproved?
Turn ($159): Qc 6s 4h 5s
SB check, BB check, Hero check
When BTN folds, I now have position, but against 2 opponents. I just instinctively checked with no real thoughts of why other than - "well, I don't have a value hand." What questions should I be asking myself here?
River ($159): Qc 6s 4h 5s As
SB check, BB check, Hero ??
Thought process - "oh cool, I spiked two pair - I should get value!" - no real thoughts of what hands would pay off and what size of a bet they'd call. How much should I be betting here? I guess I'm targeting Qx and 77-JJ? Maybe Qx is discounted b/c some of them might bet river in which case I should just target a middle pair type hand and go small? Such passive players may not bet Qx, though. A backdoor flush just came in, but that's not worrisome after river checks, but could be worrisome to Villains.
As an aside - if I didn't hit 2 pair and the river is a brick like a 9h, is this a spot where I should consider overbetting since Villains are most likely capped after checking the river? Or is that just spew at this level since I'm not repping anything that makes sense other than like a set on the river?
6 Replies
You are prob not deep enough to open 5x with A4s UTG even 7 handed but it’s not terrible. I’d open smaller though. As much as this forum detests limping (GG aside 😉), limping this nut making hand at a passive table to create a higher SPR multi-way is ok too imo.
I would likely check flop 4 handed with no BD FD. Betting certainly denies equity to overcards and MAY fold out some better hands from tight players but is ambitious 4 handed and your sizing is too big.
AP check back turn planning to be done with the hand if bet into OTR unless you spike a 4 or A
River is a clear small value bet targeting Qx
I don't mind the preflop raise, although with this line-up, I'm not going to feel great if I flop an A.
Betting the flop is OK, but I would've bet $20 multiway on a flop that doesn't really hit anyone's range hard.
River stacks are kind of awkward, but against a duo who checked the river (after the turn checked through) and who likely are never checkraising as a bluff or with a worse 2-pair, I'd consider betting $50 and folding to a raise.
Pretty much agree with Always Fondling. Pre is OK depending on lineup/stacks. I like betting the flop, especially after two checks. I'd go $25-$30, but not biggie.
After they both check the turn, I bet about half pot -- again, this depends on player type. They are probably chasing something or have a small pair, which they should fold.
River as played is a bet/fold. They've come this far with their pair or whatever they have -- get a little more out of them or let them fold.
Opening this much pre and whiffing gets expensive.
Opening this much pre and getting raised gets expensive.
Opening this much pre and whiffing gets expensive.
Opening this much pre and getting raised gets expensive.
The raise size seems fine to me. What would you raise to? I always open to $12 - $15 in 1/3 games unless the table is playing very small. $15 is my standard. In 1/2, $12 is my standard.
I'm not sure what whiffing has to do with it? What if you had AK or AQ?
I agree w/ getting raised; player types from V would be nice.
I open to 10 at 1/3 (just to make the dealer's life easier) and 15 at 2/5, allows me to open wider, and encourages weaker calls.