Bluff raise river with AT?

Bluff raise river with AT?

I open in the LJ with AsTc and only the BB calls. He is a TAG. He's probably flatting pre. He sees me as a fellow TAG.

4s7c8h...BB checks, I bet, He raises, I call.

4s7c8hQd...BB bets, I call.

4s7c8hQdKc...BB bets.

He could be barreling a missed straight draw. I think he would bet most of his 8's and better on the river. He may just check/call a 7 or a 4.

Is this hand worthy of making a river bluff raise? I'd be targeting a pair of 8x 99-JJ. I'm thinking he would call a Q.

Is my turn call correct.

Is it better to check back this flop?

10 January 2024 at 03:59 AM

8 Replies

by mongidig k

I open in the LJ with AsTc and only the BB calls. He is a TAG. He's probably flatting pre. He sees me as a fellow TAG.

4s7c8h...BB checks, I bet, He raises, I call.

4s7c8hQd...BB bets, I call.

4s7c8hQdKc...BB bets.

He could be barreling a missed straight draw. I think he would bet most of his 8's and better on the river. He may just check/call a 7 or a 4.

Is this hand worthy of making a river bluff raise? I'd be targeting a pair of 8x 99-JJ. I'm thinking he would call a Q.

Is my turn call correc

I would bet 100% of my range on this flop. If you were in the CO or BTN I would consider a checkback because the board is arguably better for his range than yours, but in the LJ I think you should bet.

I probably just fold turn but I don't know that it's correct.

I don't love the river raise. You're targeting a really narrow range, you're not really repping anything credible, and some (many?) of the hands he would fold to a raise are hands you beat anyway. Is the thinking that you want to turn the bottom of your bluff catching range into a bluff because you're already investing a bet?

by asmitty k

I would bet 100% of my range on this flop. If you were in the CO or BTN I would consider a checkback because the board is arguably better for his range than yours, but in the LJ I think you should bet.

I probably just fold turn but I don't know that it's correct.

I don't love the river raise. You're targeting a really narrow range, you're not really repping anything credible, and some (many?) of the hands he would fold to a raise are hands you beat anyway. Is the thinking that you want to t

Making a river bluff raise like this is something I never do. I have straight up bluff raised rivers before simply based on a read that my opponent was weak or was overly bet/foldy. I have never raised the river based on GTO type of thinking.

How often do you guy's make river bluff raises? Are we talking 3 times a year type of thing or is this a big part of your win rate?

I am curious about the turn call. I have usually folded here in the past but this may be too weak.

by mongidig k

Making a river bluff raise like this is something I never do. I have straight up bluff raised rivers before simply based on a read that my opponent was weak or was overly bet/foldy. I have never raised the river based on GTO type of thinking.

How often do you guy's make river bluff raises? Are we talking 3 times a year type of thing or is this a big part of your win rate?

I am curious about the turn call. I have usually folded here in the past but this may be too weak.

To be clear, I usually don’t analyze situations through this lens at game speed. I barely bluff raise rivers these days but I used to do it quite a bit when I played all the time in my 20s, and it was virtually always because I had a very specific read on someone or in weird protected pot spots with a villain who would over-fold.

by mongidig k

Making a river bluff raise like this is something I never do. I have straight up bluff raised rivers before simply based on a read that my opponent was weak or was overly bet/foldy. I have never raised the river based on GTO type of thinking.

How often do you guy's make river bluff raises? Are we talking 3 times a year type of thing or is this a big part of your win rate?

I am curious about the turn call. I have usually folded here in the past but this may be too weak.

first question to ask yourself is , do people fold a lot your River raise ?

We, of course, should have river bluff raises. I don't do it enough, in part because I think live opponents underfold the river to raises, but that's also a bit of an excuse.

I give up turn.

On river it’s very weird. You are pretty much representing KK or KQ? I’m not sure what hands want to slowplay here, or if he is still betting with his pair plus straight draws.

What are you doing with AK? Are you also raising the river? If so then it’s more believable.

by mongidig k

I open in the LJ with AsTc and only the BB calls. He is a TAG. He's probably flatting pre. He sees me as a fellow TAG.

4s7c8h...BB checks, I bet, He raises, I call.

4s7c8hQd...BB bets, I call.

4s7c8hQdKc...BB bets.

He could be barreling a missed straight draw. I think he would bet most of his 8's and better on the river. He may just check/call a 7 or a 4.

Is this hand worthy of making a river bluff raise? I'd be targeting a pair of 8x 99-JJ. I'm thinking he would call a Q.

Is my turn call correc

By the line he took my guess is he flopped 2pair or a set. or he has a str8 draw. If he hit a pair on flop, he has showdown value and would just check back not reraise. Seems kinda mubsy to put him on 2 pair or a set. The fact he continued to barrel after the Q & K hit leads me to believe he has air on river. If he actually hit the Q on turn, I'm guessing he checks back the river! And any king he'd play, he'd prob reraise preflop. I'd raise because it would be a disaster to just call and lose to bottom pair. Also...King smashes your range!

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If this is a 4/8 game we are talking about, this brings up another interesting point. It would have been better for you to either Limp AsTc or Fold. In this situation I'm folding AsTc. Why? First off this sounds like a pretty tough 4/8 game. Also, Because there will be better situations. If hand was suited I say to limp in this spot and maybe get a couple more people and the blinds. Playing heads up at a 4/8 table is a disaster!!! So you put in $32. to win $26 (assuming like a $6 rake) When you could be putting that $32 in to win $122 (once again assuming $6 rake) if 4 other people were in hand and called down to river. In a 20/40 game your fighting for a 4/8 table after rake blind isn't worth fighting over. Also, because of the leveling war that usually takes place, your usually locked into callin down to river with as lil as A or K hi. There are just so many better spots to invest that $32.00
