Online small stake 6max .

Online small stake 6max .

Utg (tag) raise , CO (LAG almost tard) call , BU (hero) call Jd9d , SB (calling station) call -> 4 way .

Flop KhTh3c (8sb)
All Check

Turn 7h. (4BB)
SB check, Utg bet , Co fold , hero ?

Standard fold ?

09 February 2024 at 09:34 PM

5 Replies

Standard fold. Don’t love pre

Yeah not my usual call but I knew if I hit my hand I would get paid by the tag or the aggro tard more than usual and was confident SB would call being a very good calling station pf .

I'd consider raising the turn. You're double gutted and the TAG probably has a hand he thinks is safe to bet after it was checked around. He probably isn't afraid of a flush since no one bet. The problem for you is that your raise would look suspicious. The TAG probably has AJ or AQ possibly with a heart. If he is multi tabeling I'd fire the bluff. A heart could be a fake out for you. If he has AJ and the Q hits that would suck.

I suppose you could just call the turn and maybe bluff some rivers. I wouldn't fold the turn. Your 9 or J may still be an out in addition to potentially tainted straight outs and fake flush outs.

Sometimes these guy's will throw out a bet with their big Ace and insta fold without doing any hand reading.

The problem is that he bet in a smallish pot vs 3 other guys .
Bluffing from him is unlikely or at the very least my outs should be heavily discounted .
I might be drawing dead already .
And we have a calling station in the hand where bluffing should go down in value too ?

★ Recommended Post

Agree don't like pre. Whats the rake structure?

Flop check is good. Pots too big to bf our equity.

Raising turn is at least interesting because we should get more aggro in smaller pots but that's dominated by the 4way action, imo. Just fold and quietly nibble on flopped sklansky bucks to fend off our hunger.
