There is sadly very little in the way of discussion regarding 4/8 games and how the very loose games in so cal can be profitable! In fact, most believe just the opposite. So i'm going to share what I've learned playing in these games for last 6-8 years. LMAO...take it for what its worth, don't claim to be the 4/8 guru..but I have had success with these tactics. Will be posting regularly. Lets start off by what you should be paying attention too.

In a loose 4/8 game, EXPLOITATION is huge! Why? Because people play bad. In their defense, most are there to GAMBLE, to play a bunch of hands, have a drink or two, laugh, cry, win , lose, and go home. You want to pay attention to: How many hands they play & How they play the hands.

1. How many hands they play
a. if they are playing most of the hands dealt to them they usually aren't that good and can be exploited in the right situation. If you're at a table with two people limping almost every hand and the rest of the table are tight and folding regularly and you have position on them...RAISE! (any ace, any two face cards, and 77's or better) If others have called and say it gets to you and 2 people plus the limpers have called.... the situation has changed. At this point you want to be playing hands that play well multiway. (Suited Ax, and Suited Kx go way up in value as do suited connectors) limp unsuited Broadway cards (face cards), and set mine any pair...(NOTE: when to raise or limp - general rule - people play 4/8 because they have no problem paying $4 to see a flop...if they had no problem paying $8 to see a flop they would be playing $8/16 lol. So if you face these people with $8 to call they are going to fold. However, if they have already invested $4 and now you raise, they are only being forced to put another $4 in, so they do! So as a general rule....if you have a hand that plays well multiway and you are in early position...just call. IF you have same hand in late position with 4 or more people already in...RAISE.)

to be continued......

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14 February 2024 at 09:50 PM

17 Replies

So basically your advice is to play good hands and win at showdown? lol

by checkraisdraw k

So basically your advice is to play good hands and win at showdown? lol that what you got outta that??????? Play good hands and win at showdown????? (said in heavy Asian accent: Old Wise man once is better to be thought a fool...then to open your mouth and prove it!..LMAO)

by checkraisdraw k

So basically your advice is to play good hands and win at showdown? lol

Also, I would NEVER suggest to someone that they play a linear strategy in any game! .. 4/8 or 100/200

by checkraisdraw k

So basically your advice is to play good hands and win at showdown? lol

Just to expound on this silly statement a lil more. What is a "GOOD" hand? Depends on the situation doesn't it? In a tough game, faced with a raise from UTG...A9s is garbage and should be folded. However, same hand with different circumstances....ur on the button in a loose game 5 people have already called RAISE that hand.

Hi Slim. Out of curiosity have you ever played specifically at Commerce?

by DalTXColtsFan k

Hi Slim. Out of curiosity have you ever played specifically at Commerce?

No it always seemed to far. Started at normandie, when it was still normandie lol, played at hustler, hollywood park, might of played at the Bike, cant remember if I did, it was only once. I'm playing at the gardens now.

by checkraisdraw k

So basically your advice is to play good hands and win at showdown? lol

Playing devil's advocate, a response of something like "You are correct that you want to stick to strong starting hands, but there's a lot more to beating 4/8 than that" may have been better received. SLIM was just trying to make conversation and your response seemed to openly mock him. Just my opinion.

by DalTXColtsFan k

Playing devil's advocate, a response of something like "You are correct that you want to stick to strong starting hands, but there's a lot more to beating 4/8 than that" may have been better received. SLIM was just trying to make conversation and your response seemed to openly mock him. Just my opinion.

Yes, there has always been a condescending if not outright disrespectful attitude to low stakes players in here. Was the same 8yrs ago lol.

TY Dal!

Bumping with intention as I would like to hear more from OP on their thoughts on their specific game. I'll start:

View on time of day
On days of week
What do you believe your win rate is
What is your average volume per week
How many players do you consider regs on average day
How do you adjust your play against strangers


I'm in southern California, so might be different where you are:

Time of day & days of week: Weekends from (10am - next day) you can find good games
During week never play before say 6pm (games will be horrible - unless you just want to test your skills against stronger opponents)
Kinda seems like limit is dying a lil...used to be able to get good games during week...its hit and miss now.....weekends are always going to be ur best bet for the good
games - good
games defined as 6-9 players seeing flop....loose, calling station, rec players,& maybe 1 or 2 regs)

win rate: honestly have no clue, never keep records
volume: now don't play that much...used to play 4-5 nights out of week from 6pm - 1:00 or 2:00 - and most weekends. ( started playing at the Normandie, then to hustler, now at the Gardens..

How many players do you consider regs on avg day. Where I play if you go during the week your going to have at least 4-5 regs at your table --- weekends it depends, but usually there will be alot more new faces - but the regs will still be there. say 1-3 regs on weekends.

How do you adjust your play against strangers: without any observation I assume they are playing fit or fold when betting. I assume they are rarely bluffing. I assume they are not concerned with things like position and balance and ranges. Then I observe---how much did they buy in for? do they seem comfortable? Most people play a linear strat meaning that they will play there flush draws the same way everytime, they will play top pair, the same way everytime. how often are they limping, how often are they raising. Above all else 4/8 is about exploitation! and volume pots...meaning do your best to avoid situations where you find urself heads up preflop!

Appreciate the quick and detailed reply. Look forward to reading more from you in future.


There is sadly very little in the way of discussion regarding 4/8 games and how the very loose games in so cal can be profitable! In fact, most believe just the opposite. So i'm going to share what I've learned playing in these games for last 6-8 years. LMAO...take it for what its worth, don't claim to be the 4/8 guru..but I have had success with these tactics. Will be posting regularly. Lets start off by what you should be paying attention too.

In a loose 4/8 game, EXPLOITATION is huge! Why?

Thanks for information.


win rate: honestly have no clue, never keep records


IÂ’ve come across the Sunken Treasure Book Crate a couple of times, and itÂ’s honestly one of those rare finds that adds a ton of immersion to the game. The attention to detail in each book really makes it feel like a unique discovery. For anyone whoÂ’s a fan of stories and world-building, this crate is gold. Speaking of handling loads of text, IÂ’ve found resources like

really useful when I need help organizing or tackling large writing projects. Having a structured approach, whether in writing or game exploration, can make things way more manageable.

by hardinthepaint k



ban OP

★ Recommended Post

Disagree. OP has a combative style in replies to when he's told he's wrong but doesn't deserve a Floorman, he always says lmao. Not calling you names. More important, he has contributed useful pov posts to a slowly dieing sub, which I personally highly value.
