3/6 Turning Stone

3/6 Turning Stone

I'm planning on going to the WSOP Circuit Event at Turning Stone. I've never played live before so I wanna start with Limit Hold'em. Is 3/6 a good game and how much should I buy in for?

23 February 2024 at 07:50 PM

6 Replies

Just get drunk at the bar instead

3/6 is a waste of time and all you do is donate to the casino because of rake. tbh i think casinos should get rid of it.

I feel like as a starter just to kind of get your feet wet I don’t see anything wrong with it. If you are averaging less than 4 players a flop or getting a lot of chopping that’s your sign to leave

checkraisdraw's point "if less than 4 people are seeing every flop on average, get up from the table" is golden advice. You're completely wasting your time and money in games like those. To NittyOldMan's point, if you're going to play 3/6 you have to go into it that you're going into a game where the odds are stacked against you as far as actually making money. Search for "DalTXColtsFan's 4-year-anniversary post" for an explanation of how criminally raked most casino poker games are.

Have you read small-stakes hold'em by Miller, Malmuth, Sklansky? Have you played much limit hold'em in simulations or online for real money?

Thanks for the advice, I should read limit books and practice it. I'm gonna try to set it up at my home game

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It sounds like you might be a NL pro. If so, I think that you should be fine just playing a "tight is right" style. Bet/raise strong hands and draws. Call weaker hands if the odds are good enough. Otherwise fold. Expect a lot of "I know you have it, but I call" spots.

I've only played one 3/6 LHE game, but there was usually at least one player at the table literally learning the rules of holdem as he goes.
