Winstar $4/$8 JJ facing heavy action

Winstar $4/$8 JJ facing heavy action

UTG, MP and HJ limp, I'm BTN with JJ and I raise. Both blinds and all limpers call.

6bb, flop 383

blinds check, UTG bets, MP and HJ call, I raise. UTG looks at me and says, "Get out of my pot!" blinds fold, UTG looks at MP, says, "Get out of my pot!" and 3-bets. MP and HJ fold.

I think my first raise is a no-brainer - it's way too early in the hand to give him credit for anything that beats JJ. But when he 3-bets the flop I think it's time to start suspecting he has a 3. Unless a J comes on the turn or river am I doing anything but call down the rest of the hand?

28 February 2024 at 03:40 AM

6 Replies

is there a HU cap?

if there is i probably just 4b

if there isnt i just call down

You’re in position and capping here doesn’t make sense when they can lead into you again. You hate every club and every overcard and could be behind already. Call and evaluate turn

There is nothing to do here but call down and bet if checked to.

by NittyOldMan1 k

is there a HU cap?

if there is i probably just 4b

if there isnt i just call down

Lol. JJ isn't the nuts. With a zillion to the flop, there is a good chance someone has a 3.

by DalTXColtsFan k

UTG looks at me and says, "Get out of my pot!" blinds fold, UTG looks at MP, says, "Get out of my pot!" and 3-bets.

The excitement he's exhibiting is something I've seen a few times, and it's always a monster. He's so euphoric, he can't control himself. Or the relief he feels from finally making a big hand has overwhelmed him.

Like you, I would probably call him down. But I expect to be beat here the majority of the time. He is not making all this noise with a flush draw. Maybe he has an overpair to the board, which might or might not beat your overpair. But most of the time he has a 3, and sometimes pocket 8's or pocket 3's.

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This just looks like a simple calldown to me. His speech play might actually be honest... a good but not great hand that wants to force everyone out of the pot while it's still ahead. Throw a rack at his head if he has QQ.
