Top pair, donked into on river

Top pair, donked into on river

Prototypical SSHE table for the most part.

4 limpers, I'm in the CO with QJ and I raise. BB and all limpers call.

6bb, flop 7J3:club

BB donks. 3 callers, I raise, everyone calls.

11bb, turn 4

checks around to me, I bet, everyone calls

16bb, river 7

Checked to the player on my right who donks.

I most certainly would have bet had the donker not donked. Now that the donker has donked, I'm not even considering a fold unless there's a raise *and* a re-raise back to me.

This does NOT feel like a "When you don't want overcalls" situation, and even if it were, I can't imagine a hand that beats top pair that would fold to a raise in a huge pot. Call now, call ONE more bet back to me, fold if raised and reraised.


02 March 2024 at 02:43 AM

7 Replies

Depends on what you think of the donker. Is he really likely to be trying to bluff 4 other people on the river? Not many would be.

Getting 17 to 1 this is a sigh call

call, see a 7, move on with your life

This is a sigh call. You very rarely win but the pot is big and sometimes people spaz out.

A separate but related question: I bet when checked to there 100% of the time as I'm sure most of you do. How often do you run into villains who will go for a checkraise with a 7 there instead of betting out?

Or what if HERO is the one with a 7? I mean, if I have 78s in the HJ I'm limping along with two limpers, calling a raise, and calling bets on the flop and turn with those pot odds. Would HERO donk here with a 7? If I'm being honest, even if I'd seen villain triple-barrel 3 times I'd be afraid of getting nothing for my big hand and probably donk.

Heads up I may go for a c/r but so many players check back too pair into a big field I’d just bet it.

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A raise could be considered if we thought that we could fold out a worse jack, but I doubt that happens often enough. It's just a boring call.
