Super sick river 4/8

Super sick river 4/8

We are on the button with AQ. UTG raises, MP calls, we 3!, SB folds, BB calls, UTG 4!, MP calls, we call.

4 players, 8bb, flop Q98

BB checks, UTG bets, MP calls, we raise, BB calls, UTG calls, MP calls

4 players, 12bb, turn 7

checks to us and we bet. Everyone calls.

4 players, 16bb, river 6

BB checks, UTG bets. If it were heads up I'd snap-sigh-call but there are 2 more villains to act behind us. If we call here, how can we call a raise?

29 March 2024 at 01:26 AM

10 Replies

I think you can safely muck here

I don't like the flop raise. What does UTG cap and lead into 3 players that we want him to have? Getting a little protection against BB doesn't seem worth it to me. We just have a marginal hand that wants to get to showdown as cheaply as possible.

Throw your cards at the dealers face on the river and ask for a setup.

by Unguarded k

I don't like the flop raise. What does UTG cap and lead into 3 players that we want him to have? Getting a little protection against BB doesn't seem worth it to me. We just have a marginal hand that wants to get to showdown as cheaply as possible.

Throw your cards at the dealers face on the river and ask for a setup.

And raising on the flop in a limit game is often the cheapest way to get to showdown. Note UTG did not bet the turn the OP did. If he checks costs 1BB to reach river rather than the likely 1.5 BB calling on the flop costs.

by DalTXColtsFan k

We are on the button with AQ. UTG raises, MP calls, we 3!, SB folds, BB calls, UTG 4!, MP calls, we call.

4 players, 8bb, flop Q98

BB checks, UTG bets, MP calls, we raise, BB calls, UTG calls, MP calls

4 players, 12bb, turn 7

checks to us and we bet. Everyone calls.

4 players, 16bb, river 6

BB checks, UTG bets. If it were heads up I'd snap-sigh-call but there are 2 more villains to act behind us. If we call here, how can we call a raise?

This is a faux fur coat situation. There’s just absolutely nothing we beat here. Let bb call with kq or jq instead of you.

by Polarbear1955 k

And raising on the flop in a limit game is often the cheapest way to get to showdown. Note UTG did not bet the turn the OP did. If he checks costs 1BB to reach river rather than the likely 1.5 BB calling on the flop costs.

The flop cap is 4 bets in most casinos... not 2. An UTG capper who leads into 3 opponents on a wet board is going to 3bet us a lot. I know that this is hard to believe since it didn't happen in this specific hand. But one hand is widely regarded as an insufficient sample size by people who have played LHE for a few hours or more.

I have to admit I found UTG's line a little odd. In my experience a preflop 4bet is AA or KK full stop. Rarely in the games I play do QQ and AK get 4 bet. Only maniacs 4 bet anything else.

With that said, when a new person sits at the table, you really have to throw history out the window. And sometimes you have to allow for the possibility their play is simply illogical.

I raised the flop in case he had AK and was just cbetting automatically. When he checked the turn I kept him on AK. I was confused when he bet the river, but i guess he could have had any two clubs on the flop like KQ. TT is another remote possibility.

How did you have two people to act behind you on the river when you were the button?

There should have been no one behind you, but there was a MP guy from earlier in the hand, to act on the river bet before you do; you didn't say what he did.

Regardless though, I agree this is an easy fold and that you overplayed your hand on earlier streets.

I'm probably misremembering the hand somewhat. I'm pretty sure I got the board and runout correct, and I'm pretty sure there were 2 people after me. Maybe I was MP and not button. Sorry for any confusion.

by Unguarded k

The flop cap is 4 bets in most casinos... not 2. An UTG capper who leads into 3 opponents on a wet board is going to 3bet us a lot. I know that this is hard to believe since it didn't happen in this specific hand. But one hand is widely regarded as an insufficient sample size by people who have played LHE for a few hours or more.

No it is not hard to believe. What is sad is you not being able to comprehend I did not write is was always cheapest but that it was often cheapest. Dismissing it out of hand as always bloating the pot is incorrect as playing a few hours of LHE would show you. Now this often is table/locale dependent.

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by Polarbear1955 k

No it is not hard to believe. What is sad is you not being able to comprehend I did not write is was always cheapest but that it was often cheapest. Dismissing it out of hand as always bloating the pot is incorrect as playing a few hours of LHE would show you. Now this often is table/locale dependent.

Did you know that people are allowed to lead the turn after we raise the flop in LHE? I just want to make sure that we are on the same page before proceeding any further.
