BB multi way

BB multi way

$4/8 Good table with 5-6 seeing flops and people cold calling liberally preflop.

EP(decent regular) open limps, MP(widest range possible from this guy pre), LP (reasonable player)raises, SB calls raise short for all in, I am in BB with 9c4c--I call.

9s 3c 4h

I bet, EP calls, MP raises, LP calls raise, I call, EP calls.


I check, EP checks, MP bets, LP calls, I call.

01 April 2024 at 09:56 AM

12 Replies

by PrGarland k

$4/8 Good table with 5-6 seeing flops and people cold calling liberally preflop.

EP(decent regular) open limps, MP(widest range possible from this guy pre), LP (reasonable player)raises, SB calls raise short for all in, I am in BB with 9c4c--I call.

9s 3c 4h

I bet, EP calls, MP raises, LP calls raise, I call, EP calls.


I check, EP checks, MP bets, LP calls, I call.

Not nearly enough action. I typically c/r/4! the flop but if you’re going to donk, you need to 3bet when the action gets back to you.

What smityy said

What are you doing? There are only 5 combos that beat us on the flop out a of a bazillion. And the flop raiser is a total monkey according to your read. It really looks like you don't understand that top 2 pair with a bdfd is a super monster.

Making money at small stakes is all about relentless value betting. We absolutely MUST seize every opportunity to put more money in the pot with our strong hands. Anything else is a punt.

I also recommend reconsidering your reads. "Decent regulars" and "reasonable players" don't exist at these stakes. Everyone in these games has massive leaks, so disrespect them accordingly.

are you really that scared of the preflop raiser having 33? why wouldnt you 3 bet the flop?

also donking is good i think this flop gets checked around a lot.

I bet out on the flop as I did fear the check around.
I froze when it came back to me because I stink...
Both the flop when it came back to me and the turn check/call, I actually tanked abit --which I try to never do at a low stakes game ---because I lacked confidence on the right play.
Thanks for all the feedback.

OP do you mind if I ask how much overall poker experience you've had, what books you've read, what training you've had etc?

Books on my shelf right now that I have read:
Small stake hold'em by Miller
Theory of Poker
Hi Low Split Ray Zee
PLO by Hwang
PNLHE by Miller

But I am an avid reader overall so I will read just about anything that seems interesting even if I don't play those games.

Played often before the internet shut down--all limit games on pokerstars and party poker. I never really cared for NL.

Casino opened closer to me in 2018.
Since then 1,217 hours of live play--mostly low limit, O8 limit, a little 1/2 and 1/3 NL, and just a tad of 7Stud.

Cards are a good hobby.

Small stake hold'em by Miller <==if you intend to play live, low-stakes limit hold'em, the advice "read this book from cover to cover multiple times, then read it cover to cover at least once a month" is basically universal.

If you play live no-limit, I strongly recommend you try the short-stack strategy. Apologies for tooting my own horn but I made a thread about it:

If you play the short-stack strategy you will be folding a lot, and I mean a LOT, which gives you TONS of opportunities to watch the table - how often are they raising/calling/limp-calling/limp-raising, how often are they c-betting, floating, raising the turn etc., and when a rare hand actually goes to showdown you see what they did all of that WITH - you can amass an encyclopedia of experience in your head without risking a dime of your own money (unless you're actually dealt a premium hand of course).

low-limit O8 is arguably the worst rake-trap in the casino. So many pots are split that multiple players "have" to tip the dealer. Assuming 25 hands an hour, an average of $4 per hand for rake, $1 for the BBJ and $2 for tips, that's about $175 an hour that's coming off the table, which essentially means people are paying a $20/hr seat rental charge. That's 2.5 big bets per hour - it's very very very hard to win 2.5 big bets an hour on average almost no matter how bad the other players are.

I love PLO and I love Hwang's book. The only reason I don't PLAY PLO is I don't have the bankroll to ride out the swings.

Good luck at the tables.

Solid regs don’t open limp UTG. And yeah just shovel as much money in on the turn as you can

Your only real concern should be the board pairing on the river with the hards you don't hold an losing to 1010, JJ, etc. if you are going to play crap and flop top two, the turn is not where you should become timid.

by PrGarland k

Since then 1,217 hours of live play--mostly low limit, O8 limit, a little 1/2 and 1/3 NL, and just a tad of 7Stud.

Have you tracked your wins and losses in those 1,217 hours of play?
How well are you rolled for these games?

I put everything into PokerBase Tracker App.
Got -$1,049 since Sept 2018.
I pull drink tips from my stack and don't track them.
I do include promos(hi hand, etc) as I view them as essentially rakebacks.

To your earlier post about the O8 game being a rake trap; The limit game $4/8 with 10% up to $6 but a max $3 in promo: $9 is worse.

Bankroll is $3000 which I think is reasonable for the low limits I play.
