4/8 w full kill Btn AKo facing LRR

4/8 w full kill Btn AKo facing LRR

Pretty sure I misplayed this. Not a kill pot.

2 limpers to me , I am on BTN AKo

I raise, tight SB calls, loose BB calls, call, MP 3 bets , I call, all calls. Putting MP on QQ+, maybe AK-AQs based on read, not a great feeling. MP plays a wide range and chases but does not raise very often and 3 bets even less. Pot is 7.5 BB

Flop is QTx 2 spades. MP starts talking, common thing for him to affect action. Checks to him, he bets, I call, SB calls, fold fold. 9 BB pot

Turn is K. SB checks, MP talks again , 'needing one more card' blah blah, bets. I call, not feeling too great with TPTK. SB calls. I was focused on chatty cathy and not really paying attention to SB. 12BB

River is 8s for a 3rd spade. MP starts showboating. Me and the small blind both comment on the show, SB checks, MP bets, looks at me and says "c'mon in"

I sneak a peak at SB, he is waiting on me with no tell on his action. I shake my head, say 'its too big' and call.

SB says, ' one of you must have me beat' and mucks his Aces face up.

MP looks at me 'you got me? You got me?" I politely inform him I called him and he flips his QQ and I say nice hand and muck.

I had a bad feeling the whole way, does a turn raise accomplish anything? SB probably folds, but MP 3 bets and I have another decision I don't like.

Do I fold the river after calling the turn? I tend to overcall rivers(mostly all HU) in big pots because I don't have to be right very often. But this was a 3 way hand and hand 2 which I will post make me wonder if I am leaking in multiway river pots.

On a side note I have had AK vs AA a ridiculous amount lately, including twice in one session with the same guy having the AA. He had a good day against me.

03 April 2024 at 08:02 PM

15 Replies

Everything is standard except for preflop, where you should cap for value.

Limp reraises are scary but over all resides tell to be bullshit, plus you block AA

I would 4bet PF too assuming a 4 bet cap (but would not 4bet if it is a 5 bet cap). The rest looks fine.

sb hates money, dont play like him

OP let me ask you a question that may appear to have nothing whatsoever to do with the hand, but trust me, it does:

How well are you rolled for the games you're playing?

by DalTXColtsFan k

OP let me ask you a question that may appear to have nothing whatsoever to do with the hand, but trust me, it does:

How well are you rolled for the games you're playing?

I do not have a poker BR per se, but for purposes of your question say $25k.

by NittyOldMan1 k

sb hates money, dont play like him

agreed. Nice guy, but agreed.

I would also cap preflop. I think the rest of the hand is fine. Not sure I like the table talk with action pending though, especially since I’m not sure what it accomplishes.

Hard to say I'm not biased by results but think this is a fold on the river, what with the spades getting there and not closing the action. You need some AsKo and JJ in his range to pay off and there's no hint of that in your post. Trapping the loudmouth with spades seems consistent for SB. Is "showboating" him acting strong or him acting disgusted? Because the latter is so so often begging for calls.

by DalTXColtsFan k

OP let me ask you a question that may appear to have nothing whatsoever to do with the hand, but trust me, it does:

How well are you rolled for the games you're playing?

If you saw my response, curious for your feedback. ty

by Munga30 k

Hard to say I'm not biased by results but think this is a fold on the river, what with the spades getting there and not closing the action. You need some AsKo and JJ in his range to pay off and there's no hint of that in your post. Trapping the loudmouth with spades seems consistent for SB. Is "showboating" him acting strong or him acting disgusted? Because the latter is so so often begging for calls.

Yea, the old guys love to look disgusted with their monsters. He was more animated than strong or weak, the spade draw hitting the river probably set him off.

Put 4 bets in with AK pre-flop 100% of the time for the rest of your life.

The problem with ever folding in this hand is that villain might also have AK. It is a theoretical catastrophe to fold in a big pot when we might chop with value.

by killians3 k

If you saw my response, curious for your feedback. ty

My apologies for forgetting I'd asked you that question.

The reason I ask is I've seen a lot of players who are not properly rolled for the stakes they're playing being hesitant to make correct plays, especially when the correct play is to raise in a spot where you won't USUALLY have the best hand. If you have even 2.5K much less 25K available for poker (that is, not one penny of it needed to pay rent, food, utilities, alimony, garnishments etc.) this is probably not you. So I apologize for the following information being useless to you 😃

I probably raise the turn when I make top pair and expect to have the best hand significantly more than 33% of the time. I know that 50%-60% of the time I'm going to be up against a set or two pair and feel silly for "wasting the extra bet", but the other 40%-50% of the time I'm going to win the hand and will be glad I played aggressively.

Another example (not from your hand) is when people have JJ preflop (and to a slightly smaller extent TT). A lot of players are hesitant to shovel money into the pot preflop with those 2 hands because bad flops come so often. But JJ will flop 3 undercards or a set 45% of the time. So JJ will make the best hand WELL more often than (for example) 1 time in 6 (if you have a 6-way pot before the flop), so you should bloat the pot while you have the equity advantage. (Note - JJ is even stronger in shorthanded pots. It's very rare you won't show down JJ with only 1 or 2 other villains in the pot).

AK is an automatic 4-bet preflop in a 5-way pot when the cap is 3 raises. 100% of the time. Again, players who aren't rolled are often hesitant to raise AK AT ALL until they know whether or not an ace or king will flop.

i dont agree with raising this turn with AK, you actually arent ahead here all that often, and theres nothing to protect against that doesnt beat you on the river anyway. you have to be ahead most of the time here to make raising the turn correct, not 50/50.

and yes as a general rule, people who think AK is a drawing hand dont win much at poker.

Yeah this is not a turn raise against someone in a small stakes game who LRR’d and then can’t keep his mouth shut. It’s probably not a turn raise in any game given this action tbh.

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Raising the turn isn’t a good idea. You’re behind most of the time. Raising then being reraised would be a disaster. It would cost three big bets to see the river and you’re probably drawing to a gutshot in a possible split pot.
