Playing against a loose raiser or straddler/3-better

Playing against a loose raiser or straddler/3-better

In the SSHE book, in the section "Cold-Calling Raises with Medicore Hands" there's the text "When someone raises, it typically indicates a strong hand" and there's a footnote that says "Obviously, you will occasionally run into an opponent who raises with a wide range of hands. We will discuss later how to handle these players." I didn't see anything anywhere in the book that described how to deal with these kinds of players. Am I missing something?

This could be applied to a straddle as well. A straddler is just someone who will raise 100% of their hands. Do we reraise a straddler with anything we would raise a limper with? I would assume that our cold-calling range against a straddler depends on the action and the table conditions. We should be able to cold-call a straddler with any pocket pair or decent suited connector as long as we have a strong expectation that we'll get at least a 5-way pot and are very unlikely to face a 3-bet. Stronger suited connectors like QJs I would probably 3-bet. Weaker suited aces and connectors I would probably want at least 3 people already in the pot before considering a cold-call. I'm not sure I play suited kings - I'll have to run some stoves.

Against, for example, a 30% or 50% raiser i don't think I would reraise absolutely anything I'd raise a limper with. My coldcalling range would be similar, I'd probably reraise suited hands like QJs and better, but the only offsuit hands I'd reraise would probably be AK and AQ. I'd have to run some stoves because it would be really hard for me to fold AJ in that situation but it's probably correct.

It doesn't happen very often, but there are 2 twin brothers who sometimes sit in the LHE game, raise everything, and re-raise pretty much everything after the other has entered the pot. I strongly question playing a pocket pair, weaker suited connector or suited ace before the flop EVER if I'm going to have to pay 3 bets to do so. Are we resigned to playing QJs and better in games like these?

Thoughts welcome.

20 April 2024 at 03:07 PM

2 Replies

You shouldn’t have a coldcalling range first in against anyone, and certainly not against a straddler. And I would not in a million years fold AJ to someone who was raising 30% of his hands. You are leaving a ton of money on the table by folding everything worse than QJs against the players you describe. You will end up in some uncomfortable situations postflop, but shrug, that’s poker.

reraise top 20% hands.
