4/8 full kill big blinds play

4/8 full kill big blinds play

I am slowly plugging leaks in my game after my 10 -year break from the game. Amazing how many bad habits came back.

My local casino 4/8 is a full kill, and I sometimes question my standards in kill pots. Focused on blind play below

I typically tighten up slightly because of the unpredictability of the kill players. I also will loosen my raising hands with position and 1 or 2 limpers.

Also consider the position of the kill and who I am playing in the hand with. Raise my kill frequently with 1 or 2 limpers as well and a decent HU hand.

Certain players will tighten up and the monkeys of course play the same.

I am now thinking for blind play I may be playing too tight esp from the BB.

Example #1, EP kill, 3 limpers, SB folds. Kill unlikely raiser, do I limp with any 2 suited like recommended SB play from SSHE book?(completing for 1/2 a bet?) What about T9o or similar?

Example #2 LP kill, 1 limper, my BB is something like Axs or QTo should i be raising?

29 April 2024 at 03:07 PM

1 Reply

★ Recommended Post

Example 1, you are getting 11 to 1 so I’m
Not holding much

Example 2: depends on limpers range but generally I would
