LHE vs. NL

LHE vs. NL

This thread is one example of why I literally may never take up full- or deep-stacked NL (short-stack NL yes, absolutely - full or deep? Forget it):


In LHE, you're showing down your nut straight 100% of the time and not losing a second of sleep if the other guy made a flush. In low-stakes no-limit, the percentages say this is an "easy" fold. How "easy" is it to kiss 80+ big blinds goodbye in that situation? How do those players deal with wondering if this was one of the rare times they got bluffed out of what could have been almost a 300bb profit if the villain DIDN'T have a flush?

I *have* seen 1/3 and 2/5 players bluff their entire stacks. I only remember two, but I'm sure there have been others. At a 1/3 table the guy to my left went all in, the guy to my right tanked, admitted he folded a straight, and the better showed a naked-ace bluff. At a 2/5 table once I saw an Asian guy very aggressively go all in when a 3rd diamond hit the board. He was using speech play against the other villain, i.e. asking him if he had the king high, and staring him down with a big smile. The other tanked for what felt like 5 minutes. "Man, I got no business calling you" he said. He finally called, the Asian guy said, "Take it" and mucked. I happened to see the other guy's cards - he had the 4 and 7 of diamonds.

I enjoy playing the short-stack strategy at NL tables while I wait for an LHE seat to open - that's fun, and the decisions are usually pretty easy. Don't get me wrong, it still stings to lose $100 on one hand when someone's 66 flops a set against my KK but at least I know I got it in good and was at a profitable short-stacking table.

This is more for conversation than strategic talk but I welcome insight from anyone who's played both games and knows what I'm talking about.

04 May 2024 at 01:21 PM

2 Replies

It’s pot odds. In limit hold em you almost always have the pot odds to call with a hand that might win in a big/medium pot. Plus they have pot odds to bluff as well because they’re risking a small amount to win a big amount.

That being said there are obviously players in no limit where it makes sense to call them down light and in LHE to make tight folds against. Just the latter is so rare especially the higher you get. Plus in both games there’s always the WTF factor of live poker (shoutout Bart Hanson), and that WTF factor weighs more heavily in LHE because of the pot odds.

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I was trying to dabble in NL and did it find it difficult to switch from the LHE mindset. You seem to have to fold a lot in NL.
