4/8 loose table AA
V is a young AA girl who I played with on another table prior to this one, she seemed somewhat new to live poker and asked some dumb questions but also know how to raise, but seemed to do it on later streets. She very much wanted to see cheap flops and was playing a wide range. Pretty sure she busted on this table and must have come back to play on the other table.
She seemed to genuinely have trouble reading boards and got slaughtered on a 4 card straight board and a flush board when she got bet into, raised, and got 3 bet with very marginal hands.
(Flush board AQxxx with 4 diamonds and she raised the river and got 3! with her 99, no diamond, straight hand she flopped top 2 with her KQo run out was turn J river A no flush, she got bet into HU, raised, got 3!, said 'I am gonna be mad if you have 3 aces' and called to see the opponents T for the straight.)
I am fairly new to the table. 9 handed.
UTG calls, V calls, I look down at AA, raise, 2 calls, SB and BB call call call. 7 Way action.
Flop is pretty harmless looking Q32 r
Checks to V who bets, I raise, folds back to V who now 3! Her range is so wide I am lost trying to put her on something. AQ? KK? 33 22? jj-99? Q3/2s? QQ?
I just call and plan to evaluate the turn. Weak?
Turn is pretty blank, don't remember exact card. Maybe a 8. No real draws.
V checks, I am now thinking maybe she had Qx or TT/99 and is slowing down. I bet, she raises, pot is now 11 BB, so I call hoping for an A or a pair of the board that bails me out.
River is a blank, she checks again, me saying 'I learned my lesson' I check behind.
14 Replies
I think this is fine. I may bet river. Was she cute?
I just feel like you’re so good here and up against AQ
I think the river is a bet but it’s really close. Everything else looks good.
Cute compared to the hags and high maintenance MA Asian women who think they are hot but that would be no.
In my 1500 or so hours of 4/8 experience over the last 13 odd years, villains who will 3-bet any flop regardless of texture without a made hand that's 2 pair or better are extremely rare. Are other people's experiences different?
In my 1500 or so hours of 4/8 experience over the last 13 odd years, villains who will 3-bet any flop regardless of texture without a made hand that's 2 pair or better are extremely rare. Are other people's experiences different?
So you are folding to the turn raise? I don't think a set is 3 betting that flop with a ragged board HU, but certainly possible. I am certainly not folding to the 3 bet when there are already 17 bb in the pot.
I should have 8 outs going to the river so I am getting a decent price.
I would never in general fold against this type of player on this runout. There’s a decent chance that she’s either misreading or overplaying her hand. As it turns out she had a strong hand. I think it’s close whether to bet or check the river and at the end of the year it’s not going to significantly affect your results.
played perfect
Vs very wide range seem a cap flop call down is the play shrug .
In my 1500 or so hours of 4/8 experience over the last 13 odd years, villains who will 3-bet any flop regardless of texture without a made hand that's 2 pair or better are extremely rare. Are other people's experiences different?
I actually meant this as a literal question. I was honestly racking my brain to remember EVER getting 3-bet on the flop by a villain that didn't have at least two pair. I've seen draws get raised but I don't think I've ever seen a draw get 3-bet. I could just be failing to remember but I don't think I've EVER seen a draw get 3-bet.
Last night I had a villain 3-bet me with AK on an ace-rag-rag board and it was a surprise.
I do remember a hand where I raised aces pre, a maniac to my left raised a K66r flop, and a player to the maniac's left 3-bet. I was so pessimistic back then that I actually ditched my aces thinking he had a 6. I didn't get to find out what the 3rd player had because the maniac had a king and it held up - the 3rd player mucked.
In 1500 hours of play those are literally the only two times I remember a flop 3-bet that wasn't two pair or better.
I was literally asking if other people see flop 3-bets that aren't 2 pair or better more frequently than I see them in my games. I'm curious.
Players three bet flops in position with draws hoping to get a “free” card. Some players are hyper aggressive out of position with draws and will three bet mostly in heads-up pots.
I actually meant this as a literal question. I was honestly racking my brain to remember EVER getting 3-bet on the flop by a villain that didn't have at least two pair. I've seen draws get raised but I don't think I've ever seen a draw get 3-bet. I could just be failing to remember but I don't think I've EVER seen a draw get 3-bet.
Last night I had a villain 3-bet me with AK on an ace-rag-rag board and it was a surprise.
I do remember a hand where I raised aces pre, a maniac to my left raised a
Yes, I see people 3bet top pair and draws quite frequently on the flop. The general trend in the games I play is that players delay action with strong hands until the turn and fast play the flop with medium strength hands.
I actually meant this as a literal question. I was honestly racking my brain to remember EVER getting 3-bet on the flop by a villain that didn't have at least two pair. I've seen draws get raised but I don't think I've ever seen a draw get 3-bet. I could just be failing to remember but I don't think I've EVER seen a draw get 3-bet.
Last night I had a villain 3-bet me with AK on an ace-rag-rag board and it was a surprise.
I do remember a hand where I raised aces pre, a maniac to my left raised a
Every game I've played in that wasn't 4/8 people are definitely capable of 3betting worse than two pair. Draws, top pair, second pair, overpairs, even ace highs...
Maybe you're just not getting to showdown enough to see it, or maybe your game really is just that much more tight passive than ours.
Hands I saw 3bet on the flop yesterday that were worse than 2 pair:
-top pair (sometimes with no kicker)
-a pair below top pair (sometimes with a gutshot, like 55 on an A42 flop)
-a flush draw (several times)
-an OESD
-two overs and a gutshot
-queen high no draw
In contrast, I did not see anyone 3bet the turn or river with less than 2 pair, though I don’t think that was your point.