KJs big pot scary board 5 way

KJs big pot scary board 5 way

4/8 loose mostly passive players. 9 handed

1 limp to me in MP with KJ I raise, 3 calls to BB who also calls, limper calls, 6 way action. 6 BB

Flop comes

K76r no spade. I bet all calls except BB who folds. 5 way action, 8.5 BB

Turn is a 5 bringing 2 clubs. check to me, 3 players to act behind me....whats my plan?

02 June 2024 at 03:16 PM

10 Replies


I would bet 100% of the time. You probably have the best hand.

Definitely bet. How to react to a raise is a tougher question, but you should start by betting.

All right lets assume the hero didn't check/ fold like a big vagina, bets turn, 4 callers.

River is the 3rd club. Check call the river?

If u can’t bet fold I think c/c is good vs so many players and many bd draws hitting.

id check the river with so many behind. not much worse will call you anyway.

I would check river as well. I would definitely fold for two bets, and I would grudgingly call one bet (though I would hate to be the second or third overcaller).

You can probably check/fold this river. Is one of your player pool betting kt?

by ninefingershuffle k

You can probably check/fold this river. Is one of your player pool betting kt?

Thats why I was so mad at myself in this hand. In real time sometimes i make terrible decisions. The BTN bet the turn, I have played with him a ton and he was perfectly capable of betting any Kx or second pair combos here yet I folded worried about the action behind me.

In actual hand river was checked around and BTN scooped with K2o.

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dont c/f vs a button bet.
