AA hand a friend was in

AA hand a friend was in

4/8 full kill , kill in effect.

A loose passive reg I play with alot and we have a friendly banter asked me about this hand, not all the details may be right but close enough.

Table has a younger female maniac I have played with, she 3 bets with hands like 75o from the SB.

2 other Villains are loose and somewhat aggro.

Hero(LP player above) is in late position with AA no heart.

EP raise, call, maniac 3 bets, hero just calls(his play not mine), BB caps. all calls. 5 way action, 10 BB

Flop is J84 BB bets, EP raises, fold, maniac 3 bets, hero calls, BB or EP caps, all calls. 18 BB

Turn is J non heart BB bets, EP raises, maniac 3 bets.....hero is getting roughly 8:1to call 3 cold. I told him I would fold.

But then...he said, 'oh wait, this was during the $500 high hand promotion, there was 2 minutes left and if I hit the ace I get up on the board with a good chance to win'

So figure at worst he is 50/50 to have his hand hold up for 2 minutes, so add $250(15 more BB) and I think it becomes a 'grit your teeth and call' kind of moment.

Bad thinking?

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10 June 2024 at 03:43 PM

5 Replies

by killians3 k

4/8 full kill , kill in effect.

A loose passive reg I play with alot and we have a friendly banter asked me about this hand, not all the details may be right but close enough.

Table has a younger female maniac I have played with, she 3 bets with hands like 75o from the SB.

2 other Villains are loose and somewhat aggro.

Hero(LP player above) is in late position with AA no heart.

EP raise, call, maniac 3 bets, hero just calls(his play not mine), BB caps. all calls. 5 way action, 10 BB

Flop is J84 B

First of all, your friend should cap PF. I have no idea how the flop ends up playing out if your friend caps PF, but as played I think I am actually fine with calling 3 cold and seeing what the action looks like on the turn.

Second, your friend is effectively paying $48 to win roughly $600-$650 with a 4 percent chance of improving to aces full on the turn. That doesn't seem like a great proposition if you assume he is behind 100% of the time, particularly since he is probably going to have to pay a 4th bet on the turn given how the action has proceeded thus far. If there is a BBJ in play that could swing it to a call, but the high hand bonus alone probably does not.

Sounds like an amazing game. He’d much rather cap pre though and hope for some fold equity. Turn seems like a pretty trivial fold.


I think the high hand aspect made it an more interesting decision, otherwise easy fold.
Of course he asked me about it because he normally would call all day(I love playing with him) but it was now a kill so he was chunking off his stack, figuring he had 2 outs and folded. First time he has asked me for advice. Kind of funny since he makes fun of all my raising Pre. Last session he was running hot and started yelling "woo hoo" every time I raised. Fun guy to play with.

River was of course the A bringing his FH and the Flush

Maniac showed 88 for the FH, BB has flush, other V mucked,

by killians3 k

Don’t be results oriented

by bruce k

Don’t be results oriented

Thats what I told him, but we teased out the $500 high hand angle and I think that makes the hand much more interesting.
