T9s EP
4/8 game 9 handed
Table is currently fairly loose and passive.
Want to check my line here with the FD on the flop and me OESD.
V1 is younger ME guy from my AQs hand, he has been aggressive betting into orphan pots and position. V2 is tighter 30s guy, V3 is MA asian chase lady
I am CO, 2 limp to me, I limp with T♥9♥. I will occasionally raise this but chose not to here.
EDIT I was in CO not EP
3 Vs call/check 6 way action 3 BB
Flop is 8♦7♦3♠
Limpers checks, I bet, 4 caller, 1 fold. 5.5 BB
Turn is 6♣
Checks to me, I check hoping V1 BTN will follow his previous aggression, he does and bets, 2calls, 1 fold, I raise, V1 calls, V2 basically announces he has too many outs and calls, BB calls. 9.5 BB 4 way. Hoping they are all chasing diamonds/2P and sharing outs
River is of course a ♦
V2 fires, BB folds, I muck V1 calls.
7 Replies
This is a must raise pre and a must bet the turn. He wasn’t “previously aggressive” on the flop because he just called.
4/8 game 9 handed
Table is currently fairly loose and passive.
Want to check my line here with the FD on the flop and me OESD.
V1 is younger ME guy from my AQs hand, he has been aggressive betting into orphan pots and position. V2 is tighter 30s guy, V3 is MA asian chase lady
I am CO, 2 limp to me, I limp with T♥9♥. I will occasionally raise this but chose not to here.
EDIT I was in CO not EP
3 Vs call/check 6 way action 3 BB
Flop is 8♦7♦3♠
Limpers checks, I bet, 4 caller, 1 fold. 5.5 BB
Turn is 6♣
should be 13.5 BBs in there after the turn. I’m probably crycalling this one.
As above I would bet turn and raise pre. No guarantees anyone will be betting turn there, and we can’t 3bet turn if we don’t bet.
This is a must raise pre and a must bet the turn. He wasn’t “previously aggressive” on the flop because he just called.
V1 is younger ME guy from my AQs hand, he has been aggressive betting into orphan pots and position
I should have bet, but this is what I posted about V1 and why I checked in realtime.
I rarely post hands I think I played correctly.
should be 13.5 BBs in there after the turn. I’m probably crycalling this one.
As above I would bet turn and raise pre. No guarantees anyone will be betting turn there, and we can’t 3bet turn if we don’t bet.
I was surprised by the must raise line, but after some quick equity lab you both are of course correct. Thank you. Will fix that moving forward.
Against many I would crycall but V2's body language was screaming at me, plus his announcement on the turn.
Both Vs had diamonds V2 had q9, V1 had j4. I doubt either would have folded to a pref raise, esp V1 who had called an earlier raise of mine in the same position with K3o.
You arent raising pre to get folds
Equity wise T9s is a raising hand but equally as important often times when you raise you effectively buy the button