Overplay? Big pot 2nd pair FD hits river Online SH

Overplay? Big pot 2nd pair FD hits river Online SH

Found this while reviewing hands, so I don't recall any reads.

Ignition - $1/$2 (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG: 61.99 BB
CO: 22.09 BB
BTN: 83.26 BB
SB: 158.01 BB
Hero (BB): 69.08 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J A

UTG calls 1 BB, CO raises to 2 BB, fold, SB raises to 3 BB, Hero raises to 4 BB, UTG calls 3 BB, CO calls 2 BB, SB calls 1 BB

Flop: (16 BB, 4 players) K 8 J
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG bets 1 BB, CO calls 1 BB, SB calls 1 BB, Hero calls 1 BB

Turn: (20 BB, 4 players) 9
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG bets 2 BB, fold, SB calls 2 BB, Hero calls 2 BB

River: (26 BB, 3 players) 2
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG bets 2 BB, fold, Hero calls 2 BB

18 June 2024 at 04:14 PM

11 Replies

Getting 14:1 on your money I think it’s fine. I would bet flop.

I agree with betting flop as played. I usually just call preflop (I think this sort of hand plays better without the initiative) but I could be convinced that’s wrong.

yea if I'm going to Cap pre I have to lead flop....

can I cbet the turn tho after all the callers? I guess I would have to and then maybe xc the river?

by asmitty k

I agree with betting flop as played. I usually just call preflop (I think this sort of hand plays better without the initiative) but I could be convinced that’s wrong.

Can you expand on this a little? What is you cap range here? Are you also calling with AQs? TT? JTs, T9s? I am likely folding 22-55 and AJo for sure. Maybe mistakes on the pairs.

I figure this a a solid mw hand, I am oop and if I am going to call 2 cold I might as well cap and possibly get some folders or dragalongs with sub par hands for some extra bets.

by killians3 k

Can you expand on this a little? What is you cap range here? Are you also calling with AQs? TT? JTs, T9s? I am likely folding 22-55 and AJo for sure. Maybe mistakes on the pairs.

I figure this a a solid mw hand, I am oop and if I am going to call 2 cold I might as well cap and possibly get some folders or dragalongs with sub par hands for some extra bets.

I don’t have a capping range in the BB here. I have a fairly wide calling range (AJo+, KQo, any two suited broadway, 55+, J9s, T9s, 98s, 87s) and then figure out what to do once a flop hits. In theory, there is a way to construct a well-balanced capping range preflop, but in practice I find it easier not to have one.

If it was three ways, yeah, but doesn’t it become better to have a 4bet range in a four way pot? If this was CO raise, sb 3bet, I don’t have a capping range.

Cap pre is good. I also agree with leading the flop.

by checkraisdraw k

If it was three ways, yeah, but doesn’t it become better to have a 4bet range in a four way pot? If this was CO raise, sb 3bet, I don’t have a capping range.

So if the action were like MP raises CO 3bets SB calls, I could get behind having a capping range But if the SB 3bets, I think there is a real advantage to not having a capping range out of the BB - it gives you a lot more optionality on the flop (which is really, really important when you have a hand like AJdd where your equity is going to shift dramatically depending on the flop). I agree with the general principle that you should be more likely to cap out of the BB the more players there are.

Yeah I cap most of my continuing range here. Especially at lower stakes the limper might fold but I can see arguments on both sides.

My first thought was bet the flop, you get called by all sorts of slop, but I wonder what our equity actually is five ways with a king and all sorts of draws out there. I wouldn’t hate it if the flop checked through


V had Ato. Not sure why he bet flop, could see the turn cbet when he picked up OESD and river bluff.

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