QQ against sligtly nutty part time LAGtard

QQ against sligtly nutty part time LAGtard

4/8 LHE live

I have been at the table about an hour, played with this one once or twice. She is a MA caucasian weirdo, plays loose most of the time then goes Lagtard in weird spots. Talks to herself and no one in particular sometime, sometimes engages the dealers with babble. Most of the Regs do not seem to care for her and some left the table after a couple of the below hands. The 3rd hand completely tilted a MA asian woman who had the set.

In the hour I have seen her-

Raise her button with T4o after several limps, flop 2P and take down a big pot.
Raise her SB after several limps with T7o, flop 2p and lose a big pot to a flopped set.
Raise my Kill with 3 limpers with 23, flop a straight and win a big pot from a flopped set.

I am in EP and open with QQ, she is immediately to my left and 3!, folds around to me, I cap.

Flop is ragged but has 2 spades

I bet, she calls.

Turn is J spades bringing home the FD. I remember having a black Q but not sure which. I don't want to peek so I bet. She makes an obvious show of checking her cards and raises. I make an obvious show of checking my cards and see my black Q is a ***. Whats my move?

01 July 2024 at 02:15 PM

25 Replies


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In theory, we should have a capping range, even HU. It certainly should not be as tight as described above. Not having a capping range is an exploit, and I think it primarily exploits players who c-bet the flop too much. I still four-bet against players who I think are going to check back appropriately and also against maniacs, because when I lead the flop they're going to raise a lot and I can just shovel more money into the pot against them with that line. But I'm not just four-betting super premiums.
