Sitting to the left of a self-described Pro for 6 hours at 4/8

Sitting to the left of a self-described Pro for 6 hours at 4/8

White guy, 35-40 maybe? Usually playing NL, tourneys or mix games, I have seen him around but not paid much attention.

Has a 'uniform' hat, sunglasses, zip up sweat shirt hoodie. I have had him at my table 3 times that I remember, looser pre but playing very well post. Never saw him add chips(that I noticed) or get felted. Small sample size of course. I recalled him because one of the times I was running stupid hot and he was folding alot of hands and kept asking me what I had, usually a few minutes after the hand.

I arrive and get a seat to his left for 6 hours. Pretty quiet, doubt he remembered me. We made some hand comments to each other, laughed at a couple ridiculous 4/8 runouts. I tried to engage a little between hands, he usually gave short answers.

Shortly after my seating, I see him doing some(what I think) odd things, limping mp with A3o(limping a decent amount overall), raising Ep with 64s, open limping with 64o in MP, raising 2nd in with Q2s and calling as it was capped. He hits some big hands and wins several good size pots over the hours, his stack grows. Meanwhile I am slowly getting murdered by the runouts and missed boards, and some not great play. Also saw him(correctly- based on what he said he had) tank fold a couple 3 way pots after talking himself thru the action quietly.

I make a quiet comment about 'closing my eyes and calling' after someone won a big pot with garbage as happens often in 4/8, he mentions he is there every day and sees 30 or 40 bad beats a week and is numb to it. I ask if he does this for a living and he say 'yes for 7 years' 'why are you wasting your time at a 4/8 game?' " " for the HH bonus($500 every 30 min)"

Then he says, 'you need a pretty wide range for 4/8'

That said I have no idea if he wins playing 4/8 or not or just plays lots of hands trying hit a FH for the HH. I also have no idea if he is an actual Pro.

Am I goofy or are the above plays +ev in any way other than table image?

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02 August 2024 at 02:00 AM

12 Replies

The only reason to play 4/8 is to drink free drinks and play every hand. You can’t beat the rake

GL making a living playing 4-8 unless you’re sleeping in a tent on the street.

by killians3 k

Am I goofy or are the above plays +ev in any way other than table image?

Limping A3o in a game where almost every pot is contested at least 4 ways is so abymsally abominably bad it nearly defies description by words. Playing most of those other hands under any circumstance, limp or otherwise, is comparably bad.

Have I ever asked you if you're ever read SSHE by Miller, Malmuth and Sklansky cover to cover multiple times? Have I ever asked you if you've played around with Pokerstove or Flopzilla?

When people are winning playing bad they look like geniuses. When people are losing playing bad they look like mouth breathers.

That being said, obviously his preflop selection was awful but if he is playing well after the flop and not tilting ever he can play better than someone who plays tight preflop but doesn’t know what they’re doing after the flop.

I’m sure he had some very normal hands as well during the time you saw him play that were not notable, so it’s also possible that he was pushing some type of “rush” and plays for momentum. So when he’s winning he plays more hands and when he’s losing he plays less hands, which can help increase the ev of bad hands due to image.

The last thing I want to say is that not rebuying a lot is not some representation of great play. It could just mean he is running hot because going on some losing streak while playing good aggressive poker is not unheard of.

by DalTXColtsFan k

Limping A3o in a game where almost every pot is contested at least 4 ways is so abymsally abominably bad it nearly defies description by words. Playing most of those other hands under any circumstance, limp or otherwise, is comparably bad.

Have I ever asked you if you're ever read SSHE by Miller, Malmuth and Sklansky cover to cover multiple times? Have I ever asked you if you've played around with Pokerstove or Flopzilla?

Yeah, ok, I thought I was losing my mind.

And no you have not asked me, and yes, I have.

by ninefingershuffle k

The only reason to play 4/8 is to drink free drinks and play every hand. You can’t beat the rake

No free drinks at the indian casino :(

But I am coming to the slow realization that you may be right. No bigger LHE at this site, some of us are trying to get 8/16 going but not much interest. I don't care for NL.

The game is 8 handed and usually someone is away from the table, the pots are smaller.

They went 9 handed for a couple of months and it seemed my results improved but I may have just been running hot.

They drop $6 at 30, 3 for the promo funds and 3 for the house.

With HH bonuses I am getting back about $4/hour and not playing well enough to get much more atm. Plan to play another couple hundred hours and see where I am at.

I have been re-studying PLO and winning at micros online, they have started a 1-2 PLO game that goes occasionally. I have the roll for it, may try it in a couple of months after more study/practice as it plays big from what I have seen.

by bruce k

GL making a living playing 4-8 unless you’re sleeping in a tent on the street.

Maybe he has a sugar momma.

by ninefingershuffle k

The only reason to play 4/8 is to drink free drinks and play every hand. You can’t beat the rake

I can beat the rake at 4/8. This guy cannot.

by killians3 k

And no you have not asked me, and yes, I have.

I hope this won't come across as rude or condescending because I certainly don't mean it that way, but I think you need to start reading and re-reading that book over and over until you basically have all of the sample hands memorized and understand why the authors play those hands that way. The "general gambling" chapters at the beginning are also very valuable as they address the psychology of the game at an introductory level. Personally I've read that book from cover to cover at least 7 times, and I know there are people who have read it more than that. I've even run some of the sample hands and situations in the "Evaluating the flop" section into Flopzilla to enhance the text.

The reason I say that is a LOT of the questions you ask on this forum are answered in that book.

Flopzilla/PokerStove answer a lot of those questions too. You can guess what your limping opponents' ranges are and then actually calculate T9o's equity against that range. You don't have to guess. Then you can punch in a specific flop and see how much your equity changes. And you can whittle down their ranges based on their actions, i.e. if they just call and you think they'd raise two pair or better you can take those hands out of their ranges and get an even BETTER estimate of your equity.

by DalTXColtsFan k

I hope this won't come across as rude or condescending because I certainly don't mean it that way, but I think you need to start reading and re-reading that book over and over until you basically have all of the sample hands memorized and understand why the authors play those hands that way. The "general gambling" chapters at the beginning are also very valuable as they address the psychology of the game at an introductory level. Personally I've read that book from cover to cover at least 7 ti

All good, this is a rough crowd sometimes and this a polite way to say study more dude, its not sinking in. When I am running bad I catch myself playing scared like in the T9o hand and then I get a local "pro" telling me crazy **** while he plays ridiculous hands. I stopped playing shortly after that hand because I knew it was time.

by ninefingershuffle k

The only reason to play 4/8 is to drink free drinks and play every hand. You can’t beat the rake

Here we go again, lmao!!!! Free drinks????? lmao...what 4/8 game you playin in? 4/8 is beatable! I 've gone thru this on here multiple times, surprised someone actually said this since I've made an extremely compelling argument to the contrary.

The RAKE! lol.... If you are playing correctly in a good game the rake doesn't matter! With a constant flow of new money coming into the game combined with pots going off 4-9 handed! I've said all this before...
