Drooler raises me OTR, nut flush, paired board 4/8 LHE

Drooler raises me OTR, nut flush, paired board 4/8 LHE

I think I need to fold here against this V.

V is a drooler, playing 90% of hands, seeing most rivers. he has hit against me a couple times in a few hours and I have dragged him to the river a couple of times.

He is aggressive in spots but not too ool.

He open limps from MP folds to SB who calls I am in BB see A8 I raise, call call.

Flop comes QQ3 2

SB checks, I bet, call call. 4.5 BBish

Turn is the 9 bringing me the flush.

SB checks, I bet, V calls. SB folds, 6.5 BB

River is a black jack, I bet, V raises..... 9.5 BB......?

14 August 2024 at 07:42 PM

5 Replies

by killians3 k

I think I need to fold here against this V.

V is a drooler, playing 90% of hands, seeing most rivers. he has hit against me a couple times in a few hours and I have dragged him to the river a couple of times.

He is aggressive in spots but not too ool.

He open limps from MP folds to SB who calls I am in BB see A8 I raise, call call.

Flop comes QQ3 2

SB checks, I bet, call call. 4.5 BBish

Turn is the 9 bringing me the flush.

SB checks, I bet, V calls. SB folds, 6.5 BB

River is a black jack, I bet, V r

I 3bet and call down a 4. This guy has so many more Qx and worse flush combos than FH combos.

I would 3! as well. This is just a cooler if he shows up with a FH.

Delay till river is strong. I’d call and take a note.

Eek, do anything but fold!

Of course, you were beat or you wouldn't be posting this hand, right?

by chillrob k

Eek, do anything but fold!

Of course, you were beat or you wouldn't be posting this hand, right?

Of course. I called, he showed 99 for the turned boat.

Feel better I didn't fold.
