ATs SB with LAGS and fishes oh my 4/8 with full kill

ATs SB with LAGS and fishes oh my 4/8 with full kill

I had table changed to this very active table, it was adjacent to my old table which was dead and no action. I knew most of the players and the pots were good so I moved expecting some craziness.

A few hands in 7 handed I am UTG with 99, I open LAG next to me 3!, 2 or 3 fish types cold call, LAG fish in BB cold caps. I pray to the poker gods for a 9 on the flop and call, calls all around.

Flop is K73r, BB checks, I bet, LAG raises, fish call, BB 3! I quietly fold. LAG to my left wins huge pot with his set of sevens.

LAG wins next hand as well, so now has the kill on his BB. He almost always raises his Kill with any decent hand.

Unknown player to me limps, 3 fish limp, I look down at ATs. AJs I am raising, but I call here fully expecting BB to raise his kill. A raise by me and a 3 bet/ possible cap does not seem like what I want with my holding and position, please let me know your thoughts.

He does not disappoint, raises, calls around. 6 BB (12 4/8 BB)

Flop is T77 2 clubs, I have spades. I will stop here. In retrospect I think I should bet out. thoughts?

20 August 2024 at 03:19 PM

13 Replies

Why in god’s name did you bet the flop in the 99 hand?

by ninefingershuffle k

Why in god’s name did you bet the flop in the 99 hand?

Sometimes I light money on fire. Most of these players think I am squeaky tight, wanted to show strength to slow down the betting. LAG to my left probably just calls to see the turn if he misses his 7, maybe not. LAG fish to my right raising my donk would not worry me too much.

It’s 5 handed, if you aren’t already drawing to 2 outs you hate a lot of turn cards. Classic check and see.

The AT hand I raise pre for value. Having some lag 3 bet you really wide is all the more reason to raise.

As played the flop is a check and see again. Let the lag lag

by killians3 k

I had table changed to this very active table, it was adjacent to my old table which was dead and no action. I knew most of the players and the pots were good so I moved expecting some craziness.

A few hands in 7 handed I am UTG with 99, I open LAG next to me 3!, 2 or 3 fish types cold call, LAG fish in BB cold caps. I pray to the poker gods for a 9 on the flop and call, calls all around.

Flop is K73r, BB checks, I bet, LAG raises, fish call, BB 3! I quietly fold. LAG to my left wins huge pot w

Are u SB ?

by Montrealcorp k

Are u SB ?

Yes posted SB in title.

limp reraise would of been juicy pf .

as played cr flop.

So I checked the flop....BB bets, Unknown player RAISES, 2 fish calls, one fold.

Big pot, I don't think I can fold, I don't think I can raise. Getting 9 to 1 I cold call the raise. Still not sure what the best play was here.

BB says '**** I might be drawing dead' and folds. 4 players, pot is 10.5 BB(21 4/8 BB)

Turn is the K of hearts.

I check, Unknown bets, 1 fish calls, 1 fold, I call. 13.5 BB

River is a non club A. Lead, c/c or c/r?

The ace doesn’t change much here, either he had a 7 or he doesn’t

On the flop you’re either way behind or barely ahead. I’d try to get to a showdown as cheaply as possible and play the hand passively.

I’d probably call the turn with two opponents. It seems like one might be on a flush draw. Does the other opponent have a seven or better? I don’t know but based on pot odds I would probably call.

by bruce k

On the flop you’re either way behind or barely ahead. I’d try to get to a showdown as cheaply as possible and play the hand passively.

I’d probably call the turn with two opponents. It seems like one might be on a flush draw. Does the other opponent have a seven or better? I don’t know but based on pot odds I would probably call.

This is how I felt. I planned to c/c the river.

I checked, checked around.


Unknown showed KT, fish mucked said he had a FD

Well played

by killians3 k

So I checked the flop....BB bets, Unknown player RAISES, 2 fish calls, one fold.

Big pot, I don't think I can fold, I don't think I can raise. Getting 9 to 1 I cold call the raise. Still not sure what the best play was here.

BB says '**** I might be drawing dead' and folds. 4 players, pot is 10.5 BB(21 4/8 BB)

Turn is the K of hearts.

I check, Unknown bets, 1 fish calls, 1 fold, I call. 13.5 BB

River is a non club A. Lead, c/c or c/r?

Check call river. I would raise preflop but other than that flop and turn seem good.

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I raise PF but the rest looks good. I much prefer calling 2 cold on the flop to 3betting.
