4/8 flopped nut flush from BB

4/8 flopped nut flush from BB

Standard 4/8 table 8 handed. I am BB.

Something like 5 limps and SB completes, I look down at A7s and raise, all calls.

Flop comes something like 952 of my suit. I figure with this many players someone hit something.

SB checks, I check planning to CR (d'oh?) Checks around. Well, that sucked,

Turn pairs the 5. SB checks, I bet, one call, old white guy who plays the Mix games usually Raises. Did he check the monotone flop with a set?

Folds to me, I call. mandatory 3 bet? last player folds,I am heads up with raiser.

River is a K. I check, V makes a deliberate show of looking right at me as he puts out his bet. I call.

04 September 2024 at 06:18 PM

6 Replies

id check pre in the BB. raise in late position.

bet the flop

if you dont any idea how this guy plays then just call down

3b/f turn can be sexy but you have to know your opponent. cant say ive done that line irl before but i can see it being correct.

Raising BTF from BB is probably not ideal. Having raised BTF bet the flop with the nuts and keep on betting. With your flop check and turn bet old man can have lots of hands that you can beat. Without specific reads whether you should reraise the turn or just call down is difficult to say.

by bruce k

Raising BTF from BB is probably not ideal. Having raised BTF bet the flop with the nuts and keep on betting. With your flop check and turn bet old man can have lots of hands that you can beat. Without specific reads whether you should reraise the turn or just call down is difficult to say.

Yea the flop check was bad.

What is your min suited Ace to be raising here? AT? A9?Aj?

I could go either way PF. I raise in the games I usually play, but calling may be better in a 4/8 game where people limp hands they should be raising.

Flop check is really, really bad. You lose significant value, make the later streets more difficult to play, and deprive yourself of the opportunity to 3bet. As played, I would 3bet the turn in a vacuum (particularly since you under-repped your hand), but if you have played enough with this guy and are confident he’s a nit, I’m fine with calling down.

I like pf. The posted blind is already committed to the pot so we are getting a discount on our action. Even with folks limping raising hands we have both equity edge and playability of the nut suit despite our position.

As played, "bet your damn hand."

As played, turn raises from tight old men are honest until proven otherwise. Just call down, not giving worse flushes a chance to get away.

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by killians3 k

Standard 4/8 table 8 handed. I am BB.

Something like 5 limps and SB completes, I look down at A7s and raise, all calls.

Flop comes something like 952 of my suit. I figure with this many players someone hit something.

SB checks, I check planning to CR (d'oh?) Checks around. Well, that sucked,

Turn pairs the 5. SB checks, I bet, one call, old white guy who plays the Mix games usually Raises. Did he check the monotone flop with a set?

Folds to me, I call. mandatory 3 bet? last player folds,I am head

Flop is a bet for sure. I'm torn because if I'm going to reraise, I'd rather do it on the turn. Still, I think raising the river is fine. I'd hate to be 3bet but a nit might even be scared to reraise 22 or 99 thinking we might have KK lol. I think playing defensively to see wtf is going on is also fine.

The biggest mistake in the hand is definitely the flop. We generally want to do less slow playing when we have a middling suited ace vs a broadway suited ace due to card removal effects. We unblock the cards we want our opponents to have, namely Kx, Qx, Jx of trump card.
