KQo BB 4/8
Previous to this hand I saw V1 raise turn after flopping TPTK with AKo(limped pre) for context and similar with AQs(limped pre) on a turned Q board-I had raised pre with AQo and I called him down and we chopped. V2 was new to table so no history.
8 handed, I am in BB with KQo..
V1 limps, V2 calls, SB completes, I raise. Call, call, SB folds(lol) 3BB
Flop comes something like 974r. I bet out, call, call. 4.5BB
Turn is a Q, I bet , V1 raises, V2 calls, I call. 10.5 BB
River is 2. I check, V1 bets, V2 calls. I muck. 12 to 1..... HU I make this call.
7 Replies
I used to raise KQo from the BB but now I just check my option. Your equity advantage is small at best and you're out of position with an offsuit hand that's vulnerable to domination.
We can nitpick flop but betting is a small mistake at worst. Honestly I think it's fine.
Turn is obviously fine. I'm very surprised by V2's coldcall there - did the turn put 2 to a flush on the board? If he had a set you'd think he'd 3-bet. I wonder if this is a 2 pair that he felt wasn't good enough to 3-bet.
IMHO river is a call - you're CLOSING THE ACTION, that makes a big difference. I'm too lazy to count combos but he could take this like with QJ, QT or Q8. He could have interpreted your preflop raise and flop bet as TT, JJ, T9, A9, K9 or even AK that he suddenly pulled ahead of. Since you know nothing about V2 his line looks like he's a calling station who just doesn't want to fold for one bet in a big pot. IMHO there's more than an 8% chance you're good here.
is it a rainbow board? if so think you can fold the turn after it gets raised and there is a cold call. if not then yes call.
river sucks i guess id call.
id check the flop. pre might be a check too, its borderline. you just saw this guy limp hands that dominate you. if they had a lot of complete crap in their range then fine.
is it a rainbow board? if so think you can fold the turn after it gets raised and there is a cold call. if not then yes call.
river sucks i guess id call.
id check the flop. pre might be a check too, its borderline. you just saw this guy limp hands that dominate you. if they had a lot of complete crap in their range then fine.
Pretty sure it was RB, I was thrown by the V2 call as well.
I usually do check the flop here but not always if I think I can get HU against overs or a small pair.
I agree checking pre 4 way is prob. best here.
I would raise this in the BB virtually every time, but I don’t play in games where people routinely limp AK/AQ.
3 ways I think leading flop is fine. I’d rather check 4+ ways.
I’d call down from the turn. In a 4/8 game, I assume that V2 is capable of calling with Qx, and he could easily have a draw (JT or 65, potentially others). On the river, I’m not very optimistic about your chances, but you’re getting over 10:1.
V1 showed KQo, V2 showed JJ.
I thought you played the hand well every street. River is a much tougher spot than most realize. Our brains simply aren't wired to handle parlay problems well in the heat of battle which is why people almost always underestimate the odds we need to profitably overcall. Too bad you didn't have a chance to get a read on V2. Knowing V2 is a terrible poker player--which this hand proves--would've certainly changed the river from a tough situation to an easy one. For reference when I play 4-8 poker it's at the Orleans in Vegas. These are typically loose, fun games at least when I play at night. Even in those games it is still very rare to come across a clueless player that would take 2 to the face on the turn with an underpair like that. In fact when V2 calls the river after that action, a 1 pair hand like yours is almost always dead in the water. Basically there's a difference between 4-8 bad and clueless bad. If V2 is simply 4-8 bad like he will be the vast majority of the time I think your fold is correct. As you noted, you had an easy call on the river if it was just you vs V1. Yes you're an underdog vs V1's range but obviously you have a profitable call at those odds. But in your situation you're trying to hit a parlay when you're an underdog to V1's range AND then you also have to beat another guy (V2) who should basically never have a worse hand than you when he calls the river in that spot. So the good looking odds you're getting on the river are really an illusion. I don't think you had a profitable call to win that parlay. NH
I think folding the river for one bet is the biggest mistake you made in the hand. It's hard to put V2 on a hand because draws that took two to the face generally aren't calling the river, but that doesn't mean we should assume V2 has us beat all the time.
I don't care for leading the flop.