A9s OTB 4/8
V1 is the same V from my QQ and KTh hand. This hand is from todays session, the other were from yesterday. He has been overplaying weak draws all day and was getting punished 4-5 racks until he started hitting everything, got back it all, but has given back 3 more racks. Seems more aggressive today than yesterday. 3betting and capping light.
he and I have battled in some big pots with me getting the best of it most of the day.
V2 is older asian guy, sort of a drooler, who thinks its clever to donk EVERY FLOP THAT HAS A PAIR, unless he actually has trips, then he checks it.
Table is good, action is good. 7 handed ATM. 3 limpers to me OTB I see A9♣ and raise. SB folds, V1 in the BB 3!, fold, fold, V2 cold calls, I cap, call, call.
Flop comes TT9r with one club. V1 checks, V2 bets, I raise, V1 3!. V2 cold calls, I call.
Turn is 5♠ bringing a spade draw. V1 checks, V2 checks. Hero?
11 Replies
It’s close but I would probably bet based on your descriptions. V1 can have anything from a pocket pair to any two cards. If your QQ was the winning hand I’d feel even better about betting.
Capping preflop is meh.
Good question and it depends.
Some players will almost never checkraise unless they have a Ten or better and I would probably fold.
Some players are capable of check raising with a draw, weaker hand, or with a stone cold bluff. Against players like that I would be more inclined to check and probably call most rivers. That’s why I initially said betting the turn is close.
Edited to add:
Against a tricky player I would call if I was raised.
I don’t cap PF. Flop is fine and I would bet turn and probably check the river UI. This guy either has quads or some POS nonsense hand and I’d rather not reward him with a free card. If he raises the turn I would call and call (but not overcall) the river.
Regarding PF cap, this is about the only player whose 3! I am capping IP with this hand.
I will see if I get a few more responses, then post the rest of the hand.
I actually tanked for a few seconds to review the hand and decided I should bet.
V1 raises and V2 takes the 2 to the face and calls. I reluctantly call.
River is a red A. V1 fires, V2 folds, I reluctantly call with my top 2.
His quads were good.
Out of curiosity, why did you raise the flop? That's not a rhetorical question I'm interested in your thoughts there.
If I'm counting the pot right, V1 is getting 8.5 to 1 on a call after your raise and has 2 streets to get implied odds from if he hits a hand. That's not that bad for a gutshot or 2 overs. Also, your hand is very vulnerable - there are a lot of turn cards you DON'T want to see. To me that feels like a "wait for the turn to raise" spot. But I could be wrong.
If I'm counting the pot right, V1 is getting 8.5 to 1 on a call after your raise and has 2 streets to get implied odds from if he hits a hand. That's not that bad for a gutshot or 2 overs. Also, your hand is very vulnerable - there are a lot of turn cards you DON'T want to see. To me that feels like a "wait for the turn to raise" spot. But I could be wrong.
My hand isn't really strong enough for a 'wait for the turn raise' spot. I don't like a lot of turn cards so just calling most turns if lead into.
This is a really interesting spot for me, as the secondary purpose of my flop raise was to freeze the action and take a free turn card if I choose. My history with V1 makes his flop 3! make me more likely to think he has a draw than if he just called, which is why I tanked the checked turn to try to figure things out.
I decided he would have lead out the turn if he had an overpair, and I put V2 on something like 66 or also a draw, so I decided I was either value betting or making them pay for their draws when I bet the turn.
I don’t cap PF. Flop is fine and I would bet turn and probably check the river UI. This guy either has quads or some POS nonsense hand and I’d rather not reward him with a free card. If he raises the turn I would call and call (but not overcall) the river.
Well heck, sometimes my thinking is on level. Getting there.