4/8 hand I witnessed-feedback on heros play

4/8 hand I witnessed-feedback on heros play

I was not in this hand so I apologize if the details are not complete, but I think I remember the important info, may not have the action exactly correct.

I would have played the hand differently but maybe incorrectly so want some feedback. Maybe MUBSY, but with so much action there is obviously a set out there so my outs are reduced and 4 way there is also a good chance there is a better FD out there.

Hero is in the BB with 96

Vs are typical 4/8 LP players, BTN V is slightly better.

V1 in EP raises, V2 in MP calls, BTN calls, Hero calls. May have been another caller but they fold the flop or turn.

Flop comes something like K83 with 2

Hero checks, V1 bets, V2 calls, V3 raises, hero 3!, calls to V3 who caps. All calls.

Turn is a red 5. V1 checks, V2 bets, V3 raises, Hero 3!, calls to V3 who caps.

River is a spade that does not pair the board. Hero leads, 1 or 2 crying calls. he scoops the monster pot.

23 September 2024 at 05:23 PM

4 Replies

Turn 3bet is horrible, torching money. Flop 3bet is bad.

Hero won the maximum and could have lost the maximum.

Three betting the flop and turn is horrible.

Did it dawn upon hero that he probably had less outs than he thought with a flopped set or that someone may have an oddly played higher flush draw?

Hand was played perfectly...


...if hero has the ability to see the future and knew he was gonna hit.

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This was the same villian I have posted a few hands with, I mentioned he was overplaying weak draws and this was good example where he got lucky.

I felt his line was way over aggressive with a questionable draw, thanks for confirming.
