Top pair bettor on left

Top pair bettor on left

UTG limps, I'm UTG+1 with KQ and I raise. MP 3!. BTN coldcalls, BB coldcalls, limper coldcalls.

5 players, 15sb, flop Q85r.

Checks around to me. Feels like a pretty obvious check with the bettor on my left. MP bets, everybody calls.

In the real games I play, for MOST villains a preflop raise is exactly QQ+ or AK and some raise even more tightly than that. Even for players who would raise a wider range i.e. including JJ, TT, AQ or AJ, almost NOBODY in my games c-bets into 4 villains without at least top pair. It does happen but it's pretty rare. This feels like a trivial call closing the action.

I'm probably planning to show down my top pair unless an A hits the board or it gets nasty or the action starts to tell me I'm definitively beat.

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03 October 2024 at 08:28 PM

4 Replies

Weirdly enough I kind of like donking here sometimes to try to induce a raise. If we can get it heads up with villain it’s an amazing outcome.

I don’t mind the check call though.

by checkraisdraw k

Weirdly enough I kind of like donking here sometimes to try to induce a raise. If we can get it heads up with villain it’s an amazing outcome.

I don’t mind the check call though.

Sometimes donking is the best play.

What happens if the villain has AK and doesn’t bet?

What happens if you check call the flop and villain decides to check his Jacks?

These are all horrible outcomes when you may have the best hand.

What does everyone think about hero’s preflop raise given his position? I can go either way, raising or folding.

I am donking the flop. In my games I am getting 3 bet pre here by a 'typical' 4/8 player with AA/KK and maybe QQ and probably not AK. The lesser bad players might be 3 betting with 99-JJ

If I get raised on the flop I am pretty sure I am behind and if there are cold calls behind I am really unhappy. If aggressor just calls I am feeling good that he has AKs or maybe JJ/TT/99(or QQ..oops)

If raised I call down and maybe fold if there is alot of action. If called behind I see how the other players come along.

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when everyone calls you have to raise this even if you think youre usually behind. because when you arent you lose too much value.

i think most people will bet the flop here with worse. some wont.
