Chasing the gut shot

Chasing the gut shot

In my recent sessions I have had these 2 hands , not sure if they are marginal so it doesn't matter or there is a clear choice.

Hand 1

I open with MP KJ, typical 4/8player in the BB 3 bets me, 5 players call and see the flop. 7.5 BB He is only doing this with QQ+, maybe AKs

Flop is ATXr. SB checks, BB bets, I call, call, call, call. 10 BB

Turn is say a 4 but brings BDFD into play. I give myself 3.5 outs here. SB checks, BB bets, I fold, 2 callers.

I was getting about 11 to 1 but not closing the action and the dirty out made me muck.

A clean J hit the river giving me the nuts, BB had AA, BTN had TT so I would have got at least probably 2 more BB.

Hand 2

Very similar but not 3 bet pre, so fewer BB on the turn, and the turn brought a full RB giving me 4 clean outs but with the smaller pot and not closing the action I mucked and did not hit.

I am sure implied odds matter here, as well as the other players tendencies, but trying to be generic.

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08 October 2024 at 06:52 PM

3 Replies

I’m chasing, assuming I can get another bet or more on the river

i wouldnt worry about people behind on that turn card and i wouldnt worry about the backdoor draw either. you are guaranteed at least 2bb on the river if you hit. just make sure to fold the river if you hit a worthless pair.

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Sorry I realized I misposted the river, it was a Q giving me the nuts.
