QQ OTB 4/8 game

QQ OTB 4/8 game

Good table at this point, lots of players seeing the flop and chasing. Pots are usually Multiway and large. Not too much crazy raising and capping so this hand was a little unusual.

Details not exact, mostly want to see if my flop cap to try and get a cheaper showdown was stupid.

Something like 4 limps to me OTB I look down at QQ and raise, SB folds, BB calls, all calls. 6 BB, 6 to the flop

Flop seems pretty safe for me, something like T64r. BB donks, call, call, laggy player raises, player who I have not played with much but had not got out of line 3! in the CO.

I cap thinking maybe I can slow the betting, get it checked to me on the turn and take a free river card. I think there were 3 calls. 14BB

Turn is a lower than Q blank, checks to CO who bets out. This screams a set to me.

Call down and hope to get to showdown for only 2 BB? What if it gets raised behind me? Was my flop cap stupid?

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25 October 2024 at 09:33 PM

6 Replies

In low stakes games a three bet usually screams more than one pair. Even a single raise screams this on a board that doesn’t have a draw. All of this is read dependent though.

by killians3 k

Good table at this point, lots of players seeing the flop and chasing. Pots are usually Multiway and large. Not too much crazy raising and capping so this hand was a little unusual.

Details not exact, mostly want to see if my flop cap to try and get a cheaper showdown was stupid.

Something like 4 limps to me OTB I look down at QQ and raise, SB folds, BB calls, all calls. 6 BB, 6 to the flop

Flop seems pretty safe for me, something like T64r. BB donks, call, call, laggy player raises, player who I

A cap isn’t going to give you a free card a lot of the time because… it’s a cap. Even if they wanted to reraise you on the flop they can’t. I don’t recommend raising on the flop for free cards, it’s usually really bad. That doesn’t mean every time you raise the flop you have to bet the turn but yeah, I wouldn’t recommend this.

Flop idk… I’m probably too bad to fold an overpair at 4/8 where crazy stuff happens.

I’d cap the flop and if checked to me bet the turn most likely.

If check raised I’d call and probably fold the river unimproved.

Of course this is player dependent and I haven’t played 4-8 in a long time.

With the reads given (or with no reads at a typical 4/8 game) this seems like an easy fold on the flop.

Extremely unlikely someone is making it 3 bets on this flop with anything worse than two pair, and most two pair hands would have folded preflop, so most likely he has a set.

by chillrob k

With the reads given (or with no reads at a typical 4/8 game) this seems like an easy fold on the flop.

Extremely unlikely someone is making it 3 bets on this flop with anything worse than two pair, and most two pair hands would have folded preflop, so most likely he has a set.

This was my post cap thinking. I folded the turn after wasting the 2 BB with the cap.

V had a set of 4s.

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by chillrob k

With the reads given (or with no reads at a typical 4/8 game) this seems like an easy fold on the flop.

Extremely unlikely someone is making it 3 bets on this flop with anything worse than two pair, and most two pair hands would have folded preflop, so most likely he has a set.

Yep. At a typical 4-8 table when a guy bets into a preflop raiser and it goes raise, 3bet in front of us on a virtually drawless board it's over. You can fold an overpair safely. I know the first raiser on the flop is a lag so his range is wider than it should be but I don't think that changes things enough to justify continuing here. We're ****ed. Gotta fold.
