Ats whiff. Check down or stab?

Ats whiff. Check down or stab?

7 handed 4/8. Fold, Tag-lite open limps, I raise with ATs, folds to Monkey SB calls, Tag Lite BB calls, Limper calls.

Flop is something like 952r. Checks to me. 3 way I fire here, but 4 way I check behind.

Turn is a 7 or 6 pure rb. Checks to me.

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30 December 2024 at 04:30 PM

6 Replies

I would check the flop and unless I improve I’m probably done with the hand. Three way my default is to bet the flop and play accordingly.

What is a TAG-lite?

Do you have a bdfd on flop? Check turn unless you think you are betting for value

I like the flop check. I would also check this particular turn card and hope to river a pair. I'd probably bet a pair, a board pairing card, or a high card that gave me a BDFD if checked to me on the turn.

Turn brought a pure rainbow.

I call a TAG lite someone who opens with a decent range but open limps too much with hands like AJo like the opener here had and took down the pot on a river K that i checked behind on. He would have opened with like 99 here but limped AQo. BB is the same type but a little more aggressive, he would open with AQo and plays his blinds pretty aggressive.

3 way as I said I am more aggressive, these multiway spots I find tricky. Thanks for responses.

Why raise? From your description (TAG-lite) its a good chance limper has you dominated? Also why chase others behind you out of pot with a hand that plays well multiway? Limp behind and hope to pick up a few more players.


Why raise? From your description (TAG-lite) its a good chance limper has you dominated? Also why chase others behind you out of pot with a hand that plays well multiway? Limp behind and hope to pick up a few more players.

TAG lites as I define them are also open limping hands like JTs, 89s, any low pair etc. but open raising more than just QQ+ like the LPs regs and recs do.

So I would not say theres a 'good' chance I am dominated, many combos I am a flip/ahead of here. Of course I don't mind the overcalls at all with this hand or playing a decent sized pot mw.
